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We panted as we shook nervously, staring at Simon. He looked down at his papers before starting:

“Hello, girls. You’ve made it to bootcamp. That’s cool,” Simon’s smile burned through my soul it seemed, it sent shivers down my body like an earthquake as they visited every bit of it. I nodded my head, waiting for aftershocks, I glanced at Abby and she gave me a reassuring wink. I always was the nervous one, always have been.

The music interrupted my thoughts and everything I ever knew washed away and the only thing I really knew was the music. I started the first verse and Abby chimed in right on cue. Our voices rang in unison and echoed throughout the small venue. Simon put his hand up and I felt it, the aftershocks. I managed to catch a glimpse of Louis’ smile as we shuffled off state. We were met by Paola who greeted us with 2 thumbs and we all piled in for a group hug. When we parted Paola smiled and shouted,

“Let’s get drunk bitches!” Paola and Abby woo’d and yeah’d, throwing both arms in the air like idiots.

“Let’s go eat!” I coo’d jokingly to my stomach, I clutched it and slapped on a smile. I was starving an no sense in worrying about our performance. We can’t change anything now.


We walked into a club and I pulled my dress down, feeling insecure about my legs. Paola and Abby were wearing 6 inch heels and dressed like absolute, dare I say it, sluts. But then again. I looked down at my short dress, the sides were bare and you could see my waist, luckily it had long sleeves, so I think I’m okay. I laughed at that thought. I looked even further down at my pretty sparkling Toms. I hate heels. 

We peeped through the crowd and sat down at a booth. “I’m so hungry!” I yelled, I couldn’t hear myself over the music, and from the looks of it neither could they. I shook my head and repeated myself, this time loud enough so even the people in the booth behind us could hear. 

“Just wait a few hours and we’ll leave to eat!” Paola yelled, her attention was then taken by something else. Abby and I followed her gaze to see the boys. I sighed, I knew what was going to happen. Niall was holding a beer and talking to a cute, petite blonde, Louis and Liam were off with Danielle and Eleanor so Zayn and Harry stood there awkwardly. 

“Just go.” I mouthed and motioned towards them, they didn’t even question it before they ran off to them, leaving me alone at the booth. I went to the bar and ordered a coke. The bartender gave me a weird look and understood. Designated driver. Which was so far from the truth. 

I sat back down in my booth and started to rip up a napkin. I’ve never been able to drink, I’ve had heart problems since the start. I looked around at the drunk people, and the girls pretending to be drunk to get a guy’s attention and the guy’s pretending to be drunk to cover up their stupidity.


I ripped my eleventh napkin and sunk down in my seat. I checked my phone and it was 10PM, I sighed and felt my stomach vibrate. I didn’t have to hear it to know I’m starving! Fed up, I grabbed my purse and went off to leave. Knowing the girls, they’re most likely drunk right now. I squeezed through the people, their sweaty skin rubbed against mine and I got stuck between two people grinding on me, pushing me back and forth. I only stood about 5’3 so it was incredibly hard to maneuver myself to get away through girls in death traps- I mean heels- and the guys were all mostly in the 6 foot range. I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and before I know it, I was being guided through the people.

I tried to wiggle away from the mystery man but his grip was too strong. We walked out of the door into the cool night air and I started to hit the person. 

“Ow! Ow! Stop it!” I recognized the Irish accent and noticed it was Niall. I hit him again. “What was that for?” 

“You scared me I thought I was being kidnapped or something, Niall!” I hit him one more time but before we made contact he grabbed my wrist and I struggled, laughing. “Let me go!”

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