New Forest

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A group of three teenage wolves stopped to peek over a grassy hill. A huge, beautiful forest lay before them, and from the scent, they could tell many wolves resided there.

The smallest of the three, a female, had a while underbelly, paws, along with the tip of her tail, while the rest of her was a light purple color. Her pretty green eyes sparkled as she gazed at the forest ahead of them.

The oldest of the three, the female's brother, was completely black except for a red flame-looking pattern over his body. His dark amber eyes made him look more mean than he actually was.

The third wolf, the female's best friend, had the same white features as the female, except instead of purple he was black with a gray lightning pattern over his body. Unlike the female's brother, his eyes were a soft yellow color that made him look more charming than mean.

"This must be it!" The female, Mikayla, exclaimed.

Her brother, Ricky, nodded and began to walk into the forest, Mikayla at his side.

Nathan, Mikayla's best friend, stood up and ran after them. "Hey, wait up!"

While they looked for a den for each of them to stay in, they passed many wolves wandering around. Then something caught Mikayla's attention.

She stopped to look. It was a cozy den, with one side blocked off by a bush, the back and another side blocked by a rock wall, and the other side partially exposed to the air. Overall it was quiet large, but Mikayla didn't care.

"I call this one!" She called over her shoulder, already bounding over to the entrance. Ricky and Nathan just shook their heads. "Girls..." They sighed in unison.

As they headed off into the forest again to search for their own, Mikayla stuck her head in the den and sniffed carefully, checking for any signs of someone already owning this den. None.

She walked in and plopped on the grass. "Organization can wait till tomorrow, I've earned myself a nice nap..." she said, drifting off to sleep.

~Time Skip~

The three wolves have lived in the forest, each with their own den, for a month now. Mikayla has been acting as a 'player' for the past week, without the knowledge of her companions. Her way of 'fun' seemed to be making guys think they like her then dumping them a few days later. But today would be different...

Mikayla was out in the forest searching for a lonely guy, looking side to side. She was so focused on her task she didn't notice the tree looming in front of her and nearly crashed into it. Luckily, she swerved just in time.

Suddenly, she thought she heard pawsteps behind her. Turning, she glanced around. "Must be imagining things..." she muttered under her breathe.

Turning around she found herself nose-to-nose with a male wolf. He was black with white ears and paws and had bright yellow eyes. Mikayla found herself at a loss for words.

The male chuckled. "What's your name?" He asked peering at her.


"I've heard rumors about you," He commented, looking her up and down, as if he wanted to memorize everything about her.

Mikayla stiffened. "Umm... what did they say exactly...?"

"That you're probably the most beautiful wolf in this whole forest."

Mikayla turned her head away, blushing.

"Hey, you wanna go out sometime?" She heard him ask. Whirling around, she gaped at him. Is he asking me out on a date?

It was the first time she had actually been asked out. Usually she was the one doing the talking.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I hope I'm not moving too fast for you guys, but not much happens for the first couple days of them being in the forest, so I just did a Time Skip.

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