The Water King

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After an hour of walking with Zebra as she talked to some male wolves, Jelly and the others decided to call it a day. "I'm so hungry it feels like my stomach is trying to eat the rest of me!" Bella complained while Icecream nodded in agreement.

Zebra glanced around one last time then sighed. "None of the guys we talked to were my type." Jelly nudged her shoulder. "Don't be so bummed out. I'm sure we will find someone tomorrow. For now, let's go eat!" Icecream took the lead as they all headed to a big oak that was always crowded with squirrels.

(A/N: The wolves do sometimes eat snacks like small woodland animals, but they do tend to eat human food too.)

~Time Skip~

After a while Jelly had decided to head home, saying goodbye to the other girls. Before she arrived at her den she saw a flash of grey and black between the trees. "Who's there?" She called nervously.

Suddenly a weight landed on her back, forcing her to the ground and knocking the breath from her. Struggling, she tried to shove the wolf off her back, but it was too heavy. She was pinned.

Then a voice whispered in her ear. "Gotcha." After a moment Jelly realized who it was as the weight disappeared from her back. She sat up and shook herself, getting rid of the dirt in her pelt.

"Really Pouncing? I just cleaned myself this morning, now my fur is all dirty again!" She groaned. Pouncing sat nearby, laughing. "I couldn't help it! I just happened to see u walking by so I decided to sneak up on you. I can't believe you didn't know it was me!" He exclaimed, still laughing.

Jelly glared at him then sat down, tilting her head to the side. "Where have you been? I haven't seen you for like... a week?"

Pouncing scratched behind his ear with his hind foot. "Well, I met a girl named Crunchy yesterday, but that's about it." Jelly narrowed her eyes playfully. "Oh I see. A girl hmm?"

Pouncing looked startled. "Hey, she's just a friend! I've only known her for a day!" Jelly looked at him skeptically. Getting an idea, she strolled over to him. "If she IS just a friend, then how about you prove it?"

When Pouncing didn't answer, she continued. "I dare you to go out with my friend Zebra, which means you will be the water king in our roleplay."

"Oh come on Jelly, I don't wanna date a girl I've never met!" Pouncing whined, but Jelly was already walking away. "I'll arrange the meeting. Be at Jamaa tomorrow by noon."

Once Jelly arrived at her den, she immediately started planning. This is gonna be great.

~Time Skip~

"Remember, just talk to her ok?" Jelly had been pestering him for the past 15 minutes about what to do. "I get it Jelly, geez."

After one last circle around him, Jelly headed off in the direction of Zebra's den, hoping she would be there. To her luck, she was sitting right outside the entrance to her den. As soon as Zebra caught sight of Jelly she bounded over to her, smiling. "How's it going?"

Jelly smiled back. "Great! And I have good news." Zebra sat down and waiting for her to continue.

"You know how we couldn't find you a king yesterday?" Zebra nodded in confirmation. "Well, while I was walking home, a saw a guy that I know you'll like!" Zebra's grin widened. "Really? When can I meet him?" She asked.

"Actually, he's waiting for you at Jamaa. Come on, I'll show you." Jelly turned and headed into the trees, guiding Zebra to the meeting location. As soon as they saw a light through the trees Zebra sped up, passing Jelly. "Hey wait up Zebra!" Jelly called, picking up the pace.

As soon as they burst out of the trees Zebra looked around at the wolves walking around the clearing or sitting in groups. "Where is he?" She asked, suddenly looking nervous. Jelly pointed her nose in the direction of Pouncing, sitting at the edge. He was looking around, clearly waiting for Jelly to return.

Zebra followed Jelly over to him, already looking like she was on cloud nine. Once he caught sight of the two, Pouncing stood up and headed towards them. "Is this her?" He asked, looking at Zebra. Before Jelly could say anything, Zebra spoke up. "Yes, I'm Zebra."

"Hey, I'm Pouncing." He smiled at her. Jelly realized she was no longer needed and, walking away, she called over her shoulder, "I'll leave you guys to it. Call me over if you need anything." Finding a spot to lay down, she watched Zebra and Pouncing talk until she eventually dozed.

A paw prodding her in the side snapped Jelly awake. Sitting up, she saw Zebra beside her. And by the look on her face, Jelly could tell the introductions were a success. She knew Zebra was just dying to tell her, so Jelly went ahead and asked, "So how'd it go?"

"He's great! And I think he likes me too," she answered, trying to hide her blush. But, too late, Jelly had seen it. "Aww Zebra's in loooove!" She teased. Zebra already looked as if she was in La-La land.

Jelly swished her tail. "It looks like we got ourselves a water king, don't you think?" Zebra quickly nodded, practically wagging her tail in delight.

~Time Skip~

Zebra led the way to her house, constantly talking about Pouncing. "I wonder if we could go on a date later, like a nice walk to the beach. Do you think we should? Maybe he would like that too. Or maybe he doesn't like the beach. Do you know if he does? Should I-"

"I don't think you guys are ready to go on dates. I mean come on, you just met." Jelly interrupted, starting to get annoyed with her friend's constant yapping.

A hurt expression appeared on Zebra's face. "Why don't you want us to go on a date?" Before Jelly could protest Zebra continued. "Just because you don't have a boyfriend doesn't mean you can ruin it for me!" She exclaimed. Whirling around, she stomped away to her den.

Anger started to boil in Jelly until she wanted to claw something. "I don't care if nobody likes me! So don't try rubbing your success in my face!" She growled, but Zebra didn't seem to hear her over the distance between them.

Turning around, Jelly ran back in the direction of her den with a snarl on her face. She thinks she's so great since she has a boyfriend now. Well I'M the one that helped her get that boyfriend, who just so happens to be my friend!

Her thought process crashed to a halt along with the rest of her when she crashed into another wolf. Looking up, Jelly saw that she was brown with a white belly and darker brown stripes on her back.

"Uh... sorry. I wasn't watching where I was going. Why were you running around anyway?" She asked.

Deciding that this wolf was friendly, Jelly stood up and shook herself. "I was just trying to get to my den faster. Sorry for bumping into you."

The female wolf nodded, accepting her apology. "My name's Darling by the way. What's yours?" She asked. Jelly smiled. "My friends call me Jelly."

"I'm guessing because your fur is purple like jelly?" Darling chuckled. "Well, I gotta go, see ya later Jelly!"

Jelly started walking to her den again once Darling disappeared down the path. Well today was quite a long day. She thought, curling up on her grassy bed.


After publishing a part to my other book, I noticed I had a draft saved for this one and apparently I totally forgot to publish this part of it. I hope you guys enjoyed, even though it was late.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2018 ⏰

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