Hook Up Lessons? Roleplay Begins!

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Sorry this chapter took so long to update, I've been super busy! P.S. (SPOILERS) As for the picture, the colors for the element queens aren't their actual colors, and the air wolf doesn't actually have wings.

Jelly squeezed her eyes shut as dawn light filtered through the opening in her den. Grumbling to herself, she sat up and stared at the wall, waiting for her vision to clear.

"Come on Sis, you said she wasn't with any guys when you saw her, and whenever we hang out with her she always comes alone. She CLEARLY isn't dating anyone! We'll tell her and see if she agrees."

Two shadows by the entrance to her den announced the presence of two wolves; females, by the pitch of their voices. Listening closer to their conversation, Jelly realized she recognized the voices.

"Hey Bella! Hey Icecream!"

The sisters smiled at her as Jelly came out of the den. "Jelly, you don't have a boyfriend, right?" Bella asked. Confused, Jelly shook her head.

"Ha! I told you so Icecream!" Bella yipped with triumph as Icecream rolled her eyes. Jelly stretched, pushing her forepaws as far in front of her as she could while keeping her backside raised. As she stretched off her sleepiness, Bella began chattering.

"We're gonna give you some lessons on how to get a boyfriend."

An image of Major flashed in Jelly's head. Growling quietly to herself, she pushed the image away and lay down, resting her head on her paws. "That's not necessary."

"Come on Jelly! It'll be fun! And I already have a boyfriend, so I'll be teaching you," Bella continued. Jelly looked at her doubtfully. "You have a boyfriend? Since when?" She asked.

"Uhhhh..... a couple months, I think. Anyway, follow me."





Bella led her to the beach where they first met. "This is where I see plenty of wolves get together, a good place to start."

Jelly sighed and looked around. "I don't see the point of this..." she muttered. If Bella heard her comment, she gave no sign of it, continuing to search the beach.

Suddenly she started nudging Jelly in the direction of a dark red wolf with green eyes. "Alright Jelly, it's easy! Just go up to him, all nice and cute, and talk to him." She gave her one final push before standing back to watch.

Jelly stared at the ground and thought up ways to look "nice and cute". After a little bit of debating with herself, she fluffed up her fur and slowly padded up to him. He didn't seem to notice her, because as he was walking, he crashed right into her.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" He said, helping her up.

Once she was on her feet, Jelly licked her hurt paw. "It's ok..." Thinking fast, Jelly was about to say something to him when another female came up behind them.

"Who's this?" She asked, standing beside the male. As Jelly watched, she could see her slightly leaning on his shoulder. Of course, they must be dating, she thought, flattening her ears. "I'm sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going."

She turned around and walked back to Bella, who was watching in disappointment. "Maybe if we-" she began, but Jelly interrupted her. "No! I told you I don't need to do this!" She growled, but instantly regretted it when she saw the hurt look on Bella's face.

"Look, I'm sorry Bella, but I really don't need a boyfriend," She told her quietly. "Let's just go back."

~Time Skip~

When Jelly and Bella got back, they saw Zebra sitting with Icecream. They seemed to be having a friendly conversation.

"What are you doing here Zebra?" Jelly asked when she got her attention.

Zebra smiled. "I came to hang out with you but she told me you went out looking for a boyfriend." She explained, pointing at Icecream. "How'd it go?"

Bella chimed in before Jelly could reply. "It was bad. Jelly was gonna try flirting with some guy but apparently he already had a girlfriend and it was so awkward!" She explained. Jelly nodded.

"Bad luck," Zebra said sympathetically. "How about we roleplay?"

Jelly's eyes instantly brightened. "I love roleplaying!" Bella and Icecream both nodded, smiling. Zebra waved her tail, signaling for them to follow. "C'mon, we can go to my den!"

They talked about different scenarios the whole way, until eventually Zebra suggested one that they all agreed on. "I've heard some wolves talking about queens who rule over certain things! We could do a roleplay about that!"

They arrived in a little clearing with a den off to the far side. It looked a little more spacious than Jelly's den, but still cozy. All four of them sat down in the clearing and began deciding each of their roles.

"I can be the queen of the wind!" Bella yipped happily. "And I can be the queen of nature." Icecream picked a small daisy and wove it into her fur, as if to proclaim her title.

Zebra thought for a moment. "If we're going with elements, I'll be the queen of water." She announced.

"I guess that leaves me with queen of fire." Jelly smiled. Suddenly Bella jumped up onto all fours. "What if we each had a king?!"

Icecream grinned and nodded. "I can invite Orca." When Jelly and Zebra looked confused she explained, "He's my boyfriend, and Spike is Bella's."

They all looked at Zebra. She glanced at each of them. "What?"

Bella smiled. "We know Jelly doesn't have a boyfriend, so what about you?"

Zebra shook her head. "Once, but not now." Jelly looked at her with sympathy. Major hurt a lot of girls. She instantly pushed the thought away. I don't even want to mention him anymore!

"I don't want a king anyway, I'm fine on my own." She said determinedly, but Zebra didn't agree.

"I'd rather have a guy by my side." She said, half to herself.

Bella was beside her in an instant. "Let's find Zebra a king!" She cheered.

Who will the water king be? Find out in the next chapter!

I hope you enjoyed! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me! 😉


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