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Mikayla looked at her reflection in the pond with satisfaction. She had spent the past half hour making her fur look silky and clean. And her tail had never looked so fluffy.

She went to the place the wolf had said he would meet her at, but it was empty. Where is he? Mikayla thought.

Turning in a new direction, she headed to where the other wolf had said his den was. When she got nearer, Mikayla heard his voice. I'm close!

She started to run. But when she burst into the clearing, she stopped dead in her tracks.

"How about me and you go out sometime Zebra?" He was asking a blue and white female wolf. Mikayla's blood began to boil as she stalked up to the pair, shoulders hunched and a snarl on her face.

"What do you think your doing?!" She growled at the male wolf, whom she still didn't know the name of.

He looked surprised. "Asking my girlfriend on a date, what's it look like?"

Mikayla's anger faded, turning to sadness. "Oh..."

She just wished the ground would open up and swallow her. Is this how all those guys felt? Well, I'm not gonna do that to anyone ever again.

Mikayla lowered her head and padded away from the clearing, her tail trailing in the dirt. She wandered aimlessly until she found herself surrounded by a group of cheerful-looking wolves.

"I've never seen her before..." A female commented.

"Yeah, she looks depressed," another said.

Mikayla flattened her ears and pushed past them, ignoring their protests. As she wandered, clouds began to cover the sky.

Then suddenly she found herself in the pathway of a canyon. Mikayla recalled passing a rocky area, then going over a bridge and ending up here. "At least it's quiet..." she muttered.

Then she turned the corner.

Two wolves were sitting on a stone bench, kissing. Mikayla cleared her throat. "Uhh.... sorry for disturbing you two but... would you mind telling me where I can find a quiet spot that wolves don't usually visit?" She asked quietly.

The female looked at her and smiled. Pointing to a rocky hill, she replied, "Over that hill, cross the rainbow path and you will eventually see a nice grassy clearing. It's almost always empty."

Mikayla nodded gratefully and crossed the rocky hill. Wow, she wasn't kidding when she said there was a rainbow path, Mikayla thought as she saw a colorful stone trail leading around the corner.

After a minute of walking, she arrived in a grassy clearing, just as the female wolf said. But, when she excited the tunnel that she needed to go through to get there, it started to pour down rain.

Mikayla rested her head on her paws, watching the silhouettes of wolves running to their dens for shelter. She took a deep breath and stood up.

"It's not the end of the world, he obviously isn't the guy for me. I'll just make new friends and forget about him," she said, trying to encourage herself.

Mikayla left the clearing and headed back to her den with her head held high, just as the clouds began to clear, letting sunshine filter through the branches of the trees.


First heartbreak.... always saddening. Well, new friends are just waiting to be discovered!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to vote, comment, and follow me! 😉


A Wolf's JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora