Unexpected Visit

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Alyx's POV

I awoke to several thumps coming from my front door. They were very aggressive which made me start to panic, I bounced up out of my bed and went to investigate. Grabbing nothing but my phone, I rushed out towards my front door. My eyes wandered to the clock above my desk, it was 5am. Who could this be? A loud set of knocks interrupted my thoughts.  My heart began to beat rapidly as I gently twisted the key. It unlocked. Slowly opening the door, I peeked my head out and saw Jenn standing in front of me in her grey pjs and mascara running down her face. "Alyx" Jenn whispered softly with a shaky voice, it was obvious she was fighting to hold back her tears.

"Jenn? Are you okay? We haven't heard from you in months what the hell happened to you?" Alyx said in a concerned tone, while embracing the young blonde into a warm hug. "I can't do this anymore" Jenn confessed with absolutely no emotion in her voice. "W-what? You can't do what?" The brunette said with anxiety overcoming her, whilst pulling back from the hug. "Everything" the blonde said as her tears finally spilled. "Come here" Alyx spoke with sympathy as she closed the front door. Dragging Jenn's hand, they walked towards the couch. Alyx broke the silence by blurting out, "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Just talk to me please."

"No not at all, this is all my fault. I've been questioning a lot of things in my life, especially m-my sexuality. It's fucking killing me inside and I don't know what to do. I can't like girls Alyx, my family, they'll disown me." The blonde admitted with difficulty. A wave of relief flowed through Jenn's body as she had finally got it off her chest after so long. "Can we just not talk about this right now I need to get my mind off things." she added.

"Babe it's okay, you don't have to talk about it right now. Why don't you get some rest." Alyx said with tears forming in her eyes. How did I not see this? She's my best friend I should notice these types of things. She needed me and I wasn't there for her, the brunette thought to herself. "Babe?" Jenn said with confusion. "O-oh I'm sorry, it's a bad habit." Alyx responded as her nerves took over. The young blonde couldn't help but smile, as she let out a slight giggle.

It was now 5:50am and Jenn had passed out on Alyx's couch. She looked so peaceful. The poor girl probably hasn't had a decent night of sleep in a while. The tall brunette stood at the top of the couch placing a blanket over Jenn. She leaned down and placed her lips on the blondes forehead. Returning to to her room, she tried to get some rest, but her mind was racing with thoughts.

I should have told her...

I'll tell her tomorrow...

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