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Jenn's POV

I'm on my way to meet Alyx for breakfast and for some reason I feel extremely nervous. I hope to god she doesn't ask me about what happened this morning. She also said she need to talk to me about something. I wonder what it could be. Hooking my phone up to my car, I blast music to drown out all my thoughts. I arrive outside her apartment complex. I just sit there for a couple of minutes staring at the steering wheel thinking about what I should say to her. My next move was to leave the car but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Eventually I worked up the courage and made my way to her. I'm here. Hesitantly I raised my hand and lightly knocked the door. The door opens. It's not alyx.

"Hey! You must be Jenn!" said the short brunette with excitement.

"um hey, that would be me" Jenn said with a puzzled look on her face. Who is this girl. I've never seen her before. Why is she with Alyx. We're supposed to be going to breakfast.

"Oh I'm sorry! Let me introduce myself, I'm meghan, meghan currie!" she stuck out her hand for Jenn to shake.

"Nice to meet you meghan" the blonde said while shaking the girls hand, "so uh is alyx here?"

"She'll be right out, please come in!" the girl said while steeping aside to let Jenn past.

Alyx walks out of her bedroom and pulls Jenn into a hug, "Hey!" she says loudly.

Alyx asked Jenn if they could go talk somewhere private, of course Jenn agreed. They both sat down beside each other on Alyx's bed. "So I see you've met meghan, this is actually what I wanted to talk to you about. So... we've been dating for a few weeks now"

"Dating?" the blonde said in obvious shock. Dating, that word echoed in my mind. I don't know what to do, my heart feels like it has just broke into a million pieces. I can't breathe. I need to get out of here.

"Yeah... are you okay with it?" said the talk brunette who sat anxiously waiting for the answer. Why isn't she saying anything. Does she not like Meghan?

"Oh yeah totally" Jenn replied as she swallowed a great lump in her throat.
She was desperately trying to keep her tears in. "So uh I came to say that I can't come, something actually came up, can we reschedule?" she added and stood up from the bed.

"Yeah that's fine, are you okay?" said a concerned Alyx. She didn't even make eye contact with me. I don't know what's wrong with her, I'm starting to get worried.

"I'm fine" the blonde said while leaving the room. She didn't even turn around, she couldn't face Alyx right now.

"Jenn please wait!" Alyx shouted but she was too late, Jenn had already left the apartment.

I ran out of the apartment complex and headed towards my car. Ripping the car door open, I entered the car. Silence fell over the car, until I couldn't hold my tears in any longer. Violently I smashed my fist into the steering wheel multiple times, while screaming at the top of my lungs. Why did I let this happen. I should of told her everything. I've just lost the love of my life for good and it's my own fault.

should I keep writing this? Are you guys enjoying it so far? have a nice day x

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