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A few days later,,,

Alyx's POV

I showed up at Jenn's apartment today but she wasn't there. She hasn't been returning my calls or texts I'm starting to get worried. There's nothing else I can do other than wait for her to contact me. Meghan hasn't been returning my calls or texts either. Today has honestly been terrible so I decide to stop and get myself some fast food, then begin to make my way home.

As soon as I enter my house I see clothes scattered all across my apartment floor. They weren't mine. My heart sinks. Storming into my bedroom I forcefully push the door open and there I saw my girlfriend with a tall red headed woman. In my own bed.

"Alyx... I thought you were at Jenn's"

"How could you do this" said the tall brunette as she stared at the floor in complete utter shock. Why. I know I've been distant lately bu-but why would she do this to me.

The red head quietly dashed out of the bed and headed towards her clothes. Just like that she was out the door like a bullet.

Meghan bounced up and began to put on her clothes. "I can explain-"

"You know what. Save it. I don't care. This was just a distraction to me." Alyx said calmly as she came to a realisation, she then took a long pause as she used it as a thinking session before saying,

"I am in love with Jenn McAllister"

"I really am in love with her and it feels so fucking good to say that out loud."

"Now, I want you to get the fuck out of my apartment, and take all your shit with you."


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