Author's Note

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Hey guys! This is my first time attempting a story like this so if it's crap my bad. :O I'm going to attempt to put my own twist on it. As always, feedback is more than welcome by try to do it nicely if at all possible. There are probably more than a few errors. There will probably be a few thousand more, I'm just saying :p Anyways, I wrote the next piece on a whim and I hope it gives you hope that this is going to be terribly personalized by me. I think it's going to turn out pretty awesome by the finish. I have a few chapters written but I am waiting to post them. It's like 4 in the morning here and I'm up writing xD

I hope you guys enjoy this story! Feedback helps me write, knowing you guys actually are enjoying. I tend to give shout outs and stuff. Have a nice day! Enjoy!

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