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 My whole body clenched, my eyes slamming shut, waiting for the impact. Only, it never came. Instead, I hear a growl louder than anything I had ever heard before this moment. It made the earth tremble with its intensity. It shook me to my core. My wolf was howling, basking in the power she was feeling right now. My eyes hurriedly scan around the room searching for him, honing in on the only wolf that I didn't know. Stunning golden eyes greet me, low and powerful growls escaping the monsters muzzle. The midnight wolf stalked slowly towards me, his powerful jaws open, baring glistening red teeth for me to see. I take a step back, only for my back to hit the wall behind me. My heart was beating so hard I thought it might burst through my chest.  I could look this wolf, if you could call it that, in the eyes without having to bend my head down. The wolf was just as tall as I was. Molten gold stares into my soul. I feel the barrier in my mind shift, and suddenly I can hear his voice. "Shift for me, love." 

I gasp. He shouldn't be able to do that. He wasn't my Alpha. We haven't even accepted our bond yet so the whole being able to mindlink your mate wasn't a possibility right now. So, how could I hear his voice bouncing around in my head? "Princess, you need to trust me. Shift, please. I will be able to protect you better this way."  My heart accelerated once again, I had completely forgotten about the other wolves. My eyes jump past the wolf and into the field where I could see my father, brothers, and two other wolves trying to keep the wolves that came with Rhett away from the windows.

My eyes snapped back to Aries as a menacing growl echoes in my ears. "They are getting closer. SHIFT."  My wolf complied before I could even blink. I felt the familiar rush and suddenly I was being overshadowed by the wolf standing next to me. I decided to try something. 

"Does this work both ways?"  My voice sounded weird because I was hesitant to try and not get a reply.  

The wolfs massive head looked down at me, a wolfish snort escaping its powerful jaws. "Of course, you are my mate," Even looking as menacing as he did in that moment, he was making sure to speak to me softly. Like he was afraid that if he spoke to harshly, I would break or run away. "But, you may find that our bond is a little different than that of other mates."

Ear shattering howls halted our conversation and both of our heads snapped towards the sound. No.  Austin. MY brother was laying in the middle of the fight now as a human, his back covered in blood. A growl ripped its way up my throat and past my teeth as I saw a wolf stalking towards him. I reacted before I could fully comprehend what I was doing. 

My paws pounded into the ground, another growl ripping its way through me. I saw red. The only thing that I needed to do was stop this wolf from attacking my brother. Just before he lunged for Austin, I lunged for him. My canines ripping into his throat as I shake my head violently from one side to the next.  I clench my jaws tighter together and hear the wolf whine. I clench my jaws tighter still and hear a pop. The wolfs head rolls to the side and I let out a satisfied grunt. I look back to see if Aries had saw, my wolf wanting his approve, but he wasn't there. 

And the suddenly, there is a pain like I have never felt in my back. I'm being pushed to the ground as the pain intensifies and I more feel than hear the pop as my back suddenly contorts. I whine and whimper. I can't move. All I can do it focus on the fiery pain. 

And then the air contorts as an earth shattering growl is heard. I see the molten gold eyes. My wolf whimpers and then my world fades to black.

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