The Moon

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I was being consumed by fire. A deep and relentless heat, that began at the tips of my toes and slowly scurried up my body all the way to the top of my head. I screamed as the fire continued as if just hadn't consumed my being. The second wave was worse than the first. The fire morphing into an inferno. This heat I could feel deep in my bones, it was unforgiving. I was sure I would be nothing but dust if this continued. Suddenly, it stops. I breath through clenched teeth, feeling the sweat drip from my body. My muscles clench and unclench waiting for the fire to return. Hesitantly, I relax my body and my eyes pop open. Looking around all I see is white. Huh? 

This place was pristine, crisp, and smelled of chemicals. It burned my senses. My head throbbed, my body was pain. I try to lift my arms off the bed, but nothing. I tried again, this time harder, and let out an infuriated growl. Nothing. I growled louder as my arm refused to move, even an inch.




My vision swirls, and I take a deep breath. Focus. I clench my eyes shut waiting for everything to stop spinning before I even attempt to open them again. I take in more details when I finally can glance around the white room again. I take in the different instruments, the machine beside my bed, and the tubes connected to my body. Hospital. I groaned, of course. Of course, I was in the Hospital. How could I have forgotten about the fight? About Austin? About my mate? Panic enters my body. My heart accelerating, along with the machine beside my bed, does this mean that I'm paralyzed now? I couldn't move anything besides my eyes. My head began to swim, black dots clouding my vision, as my chest restricted. I couldn't be paralyzed. 

The door to my room swinging open brought me out of my panic monetarily. Golden orbs met my own. Aries stood in the door way, a black t-shirt hugging his chest tightly. His golden hair was much more wild than the last time I had seen him. Like, he had been running his hands through it a lot. His eyes looked wild and alert. His body crouched, he was prepared for a fight. He relaxed as his eyes scanned the room. His eyes never leaving mine as he made his way over to me. Aries stopped just beside me. His fingertip traced my jawline, leaving a fire of a different kind in its wake. His eyes conveying an emotion I couldn't quite decipher. 

My muscles clenched as he crouched before me, his forehead touching mine. Aries eyes closed, I felt his breath fan across my face. "Please, forgive me, my beloved," His eyes opened to meet my own, it was like staring into a storm. I could see several emotions swim through them then. Sadness, regret, panic. My eyes brows furrowed, why was he asking for my forgiveness? "I have failed in the one thing that I was put on this planet to do. I have failed you. I have failed to protect you, my heart."  

He was feeling like this because I got hurt. Suddenly, I wanted to laugh. I was the one who threw myself into battle. I did that. He did not. I recklessly ran into the battle to save my brother and I would do it again if it meant saving him. I tried to open my mouth to speak but nothing came out but a squeak. Aries eyes glanced down at my mouth before looking back into my eyes. I was trying to tell him that I couldn't move. That I could feel everything but that I couldn't move. Panic consumed me as I felt him pull away, the heart monitor beside me echoing harshly through the room. Aries eyes met my blue ones. "I will return, little one, I'm just going to retrieve your pack doctor." 

I sighed in relief. I barely had time to blink before the pack doctor walked into the room. Lucas smiled kindly at me as he was fiddling with some machines. "Everything looks great, Adria," Lucas' cold hands moved across my skin as he removed the wires that were attached to me. "You've been in a medical induced coma for about three days, that's why you can't move or talk, but I have already given you some medicine that should help you get up and moving around."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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