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Once in a time very far from this one, there lived a family destined for great things. A king, his queen, and their four children. The king and queen ruled over all and their subjects loved them so. The moon goddess had hand-picked this family to rule over her beloved creations because she knew that the king and queen would rule their kingdom with love, kindness, and respect. But, she also knew that while they would be fair, they would not take disobedience. Which is exactly what her creations needed. However, the king's brother turned sour over the thought of his brother being so blessed while he had nothing. So, he hatched a nasty plan. A plan that one had to be ruthless, heartless, to commit. Maliciously, he murdered his brother and his family. Only, one survived. Cressida. She saw his face. Knew what had happened. Her father, had hid her right before he walked in, saved her. But, he couldn't save her from what she saw. Her father's blood. Her uncle tearing her father apart with silver and black magic. So, a family divided. The kingdom protected the young girl. The uncle was shunned, thrown into the dungeons wrapped in a magic so strong he was comatose. Cressida couldn't bring herself to kill her uncle as he had her family so, she left him there bound in the magic the witches had cast on him. She went on to find her mate and rule the kingdom her family left behind. And on the 7th month of the year of her 43rd year she gave birth to a son. The moon goddess had blessed this son. He would be the saving grace her creations would now need. She marked him with her hand, on his chest, allowing the world to know that this was their ruler. The one that would save them. She ordered Cressida to send her son. The kingdom fell with their queen.

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