El Tango de Reader

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Today was your first day of dance. You ran in your dance class and started to put on the outfit your parent gave you so you can dance in it. It was simple tango until someone spun you so hard that you bumped into a man with a cup for a head. "T-terribly sorry sir!" You stuttered out loud, hoping he wasn't mad at you.

"Hey," he pulled you up close so he get a glimpse of you, "it's alright... May I dance with you?" You blushed, then nodded to his question because you thought he was the one for you.

While dancing with him, he nuzzles into your hair (so strange) and held you close. "You alright there buddy...?" you asked while embracing it.

"I'm Cuphead..." Cuphead finally said while rubbing your back, "and I'm fine..." he said after a moment of silence. "Alright..." you said, "if you say so..."

After dance class, you tried to catch up to Cuphead until you felt pain in your lungs and fell down near him. "(Y-Y/N)!!" Cuphead shouted, "ARE YOU ALR-" just then, you started coughing up flower petals after throwing them up. Cuphead quickly called 911 and told them they need to bring an ambulance cause of your sickness.

After being transported to the hospital, doctors were starting checking on your vitals and such while Cuphead watched. While getting your blood drawn, you started to throw up flower vines and petals. Doctors started to panic and got you a little trash bin to throw up in while Cups started to tear up a bit.

It was sometime that you were coughing and throwing up flower petals and vines from your hosptal bed. As Cuphead was sitting next to the head of your bed, he said while rubbing the hair out of your eyes, "I hope that you'll be alright..." Was he praying for you...? You thought of how adorable it was that he was worried sick for you.

"Cups...?" you said finally, "I love you..." You then closed your eyes and started sleeping with his hand on your cheek, then kissing your forehead lightly. "Goodnight... my (princess/prince)..." Cuphead whispered lightly into your ear in a singing voice. Oh, how it sounded so smooth when he hummed a lullaby into your ear.

When you thought your hanahaki couldn't get any worse, it suddenly became a sudden dream when you woke up once again in Cuphead's room, still weak from all the numbing medicines the doctors gave you. Cuphead walks in, puts the food next to you and held you close to his chest, "You're awake finally..."

Cuphead was crying tears of joy moments later while holding you close. You comforted him by putting him under the covers and cuddling him while you slept after eating the food Cups cooked for you. He simply held you back and slept the day away with you.

Teacup Twirl (Cuphead x Hanahaki! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora