Roses in Bloom

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Cuphead shook you up lightly to try to wake you up. "Ey..." Cuphead whispered, "Wanna go to the rose garden with me and my bro Mugs...?" You groaned for a moment until finally nodding your head lightly and checking thr time on your phone. "2:45 PM?! HOW LONG...?!" you realize that the food Cups made for you was a lot better than than the hospital food, which made you snooze the day away, "Oh... right..."

Cuphead chucked and ruffled your hair lightly, "you were sound asleep that you were even snoring! It was hard for me to get a good dream!" Of course, it made you hide your face in the pillows until you finally started getting dressed to go to the rose garden with Cups and Mugs.

*le time skip, yo!*

After arriving to the rose garden, taking a sip of tea, you decide to walk along the path where Cuphead and Mugman were on. "Bro!" Mugman shouted from a slight distance, "I found a rose that reminds me of your friend!" You and Cups went to the rose and looked at it with such awe.

"If I had a rose everytime you spoke, (y/n)," Cuphead said while blushing lightly and laughing, "it'll become part of my garden forever...~" You started to blush and laugh at the same time cause of how adorable he was when he blushed and how sexy he laughs. "You're so cute with your pick-up lines and all!" you accidentally said aloud, in which it made Cuphead blush a bit harder.

When you thought it couldn't get worse, you started to cough up flower petals again, which caused Cuphead to react to it immedietly by picking you up and taking you to the car with poor Mugman all confused and scared for your health and safety.

Cuphead drove you and Mugman back to the house so Cuphead could put you on the couch so you could rest up from the illness that you have.

Teacup Twirl (Cuphead x Hanahaki! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now