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Zivas POV

Tony had been dating Jeanne for 6 months now, I was sick of him coming into work in the morning and telling me about his latest date with her. I hated it so much and I hated Jenny for making him date her. At the start it had been okay because I knew he did not actually like her but now I can tell he loves her.

I came into work today hoping Tony would not mention her name or his latest adventure with her. I rested my head on the desk and just relaxed.

I heard Tony come in and try to tell McGee about Jeanne but he payed no attention so he tried telling me.

"So Zee-vah wanna hear about my date?" Tony asked.

I lifted my head off of my desk and mumbled at Tony to leave me alone but I did not think he heard me because he started telling me.

"So I took her to this romantic restaurant and we had a lovely candle lit dinner-" he started telling me.

"-Tony stop!" I yelled at him. "Just stop, I do not want to hear about her so just leave me alone!" I grabbed my jacket and my bag and headed to the elevator. No one tried to follow me because they were all in shock about what they had just witnessed.

I drove home as quickly as I could, I almost had 4 collisions but that did not matter, the man I loved loved somebody else and he was making me depressed over it, wether he realised or not.

I ran straight into my apartment and went straight to the liquor cabinet. I downed a bottle of alcohol and then went into the kitchen and pulled a knife out of the drawer, I started cutting my arms but it was not enough. I then went and slit my wrists and smiled as the darkness consumed me.

Tony's POV

It had been half an hour since ziva stormed out the bullpen, I was starting to get worried. I looked to Gibbs and he just gave me a worried look back.

"McGee track Zivas phone." Gibbs ordered.

"On it boss." McGee replied. "She's at her apartment."

"Tony go get her." Gibbs nodded at me and I left as soon as possible.

5 minutes later.

I had got to Zivas flat in 5 minutes by driving like a ninja. I knocked on the door but there was no answer.

I grabbed the spare key from under the mat.

The door opened and I rushed inside, something was wrong I could feel it in my gut. I started shouting her name but no reply.

I saw her foot sticking out behind the island in the kitchen. I rushed over to her and saw her sitting in a pool of blood, I bent down to check her pulse.

She was still alive. I quickly called an ambulance and tried to stop the bleeding. I called Gibbs and told him what happened and he said he would meet us at the hospital.

Zivas POV

I woke up to peeling white walls and a strong smell of anaesthetic.

Hospital. I'm in a hospital.

I sat up and looked around, the room was empty. I could hear voices outside I tried to listen to what they were saying.

"McGee it's all my fault. I was making her depressed, if I had just shut up about Jeanne then she wouldn't have done it. I just hope she wakes up soon." It was Tony speaking.

"Tony it was no ones fault, Ziva had drunk a whole bottle of alcohol, she was drunk she did not know what she was doing." McGee said, I was quite mad at him for blaming me but I knew he was only telling the truth.

"I'm gonna go back inside now, thanks McGee." Tony said.

He came in and his eyes were red and puffy like he had been crying.

"Ziva!" He exclaimed, he came over and hugged me, careful of my arms.

"I am sorry." I said looking down at the floor.

"What why are you sorry? I am the one who should be sorry, it's my fault you did this." He started rambling

"Tony, I am sorry that I put you through this, I am sorry I made you feel guilty and responsible, I am sorry for worrying you and everyone else and I am sorry for this." I said as I pulled him into a kiss. At first he was shocked but then he kissed back.

When we finally pulled apart he looked me in the eyes and said "I love you Zi, I have since day 1 and I always will."

"I love you too Tony." I said as we kissed again.


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