All secrets come out eventually

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Tony's POV

Ziva had been working at NCIS for 2 years now and still no one had been to her apartment. It was like she was hiding something. I decided to go and visit to find out why.

I pulled up her file on my work computer and made a note of her address, I had decided I would visit her over the weekend.

Once Gibbs had dismissed us on the Friday I went home and started thinking about tomorrow and what Zivas secret might be.


I looked at my watch: 10:35. I left my flat and headed to her house.

Once I got there I had to take a minute to stop myself from leaving.

I knocked on the solid door 3 times and waited for an answer. A young girl, maybe about 13 opened the door and looked me up and down.

"May I help you?" She asked quite rudely.

"Yeah I'm here to see Ziva David, maybe I got the wrong address, sorry for bothering you." I said as I turned to leave.

"Wait." I heard the girl sigh. "She is inside, and who might you be?"

"Tony DiNozzo, I work with Ziva." I replied trying to peer into the flat.

"Badge?" She asked.

I grabbed my badge off of my belt and handed it to the girl, she studied it carefully before stepping aside to let me in the flat.

I walked in cautiously and sat on the sofa, I studied my surroundings. The flat was quite plain apart from a few baby toys. Wait. Why were there baby toys in an ex assassins flat? I pushed the thought to the side of my mind as the girl called something out in a language I didn't understand.

A few moments later Ziva walked through carrying a toddler in her hand and a bottle in the other. She was wearing baggy tracksuit bottoms and an oversized t-shirt, her hair was up in a messy bun. In some people's eyes she would have looked average and ordinary but to me she looked beautiful.

"Tony?" She asked in disbelief.

"Hi." I said quite shyly.

"What are you doing here?" She hissed.

"Well I was thinking and you have never invited anyone to your house so I thought you might be keeping something from us all, and because I am an awesome detective I found out where you live and decided to pay you a visit." I explained to her.

"Well, um, make yourself at home," she told me before turning to the young girl and instructing her to do something in Hebrew. The girl nodded and walked over and took the toddler before leaving.

"I know you might have some questions, so just ask away." She said plain and simple.

"Well yeah, who's kids are they?" I asked although it seemed obvious.

"Barack Obamas(!) Who do you think!" I grinned, my ninja finally understood sarcasm.

"Okay well what are their names and how old are they?" I asked.

"The older girl is called Jasmina and she is 13, and the younger girl is called Talia and she is 3." Ziva told me.

"And um who are there fathers?" I asked assuming they have different dads.

"They share a dad and his name is Ira, he is also my husband of 6 years."

I gasped I was so shocked. Ziva David was married, had kids and had surprisingly managed to keep it all from Gibbs.

"Who else knows?"

"Just Jenny, she babysits the kids when me and Ira go out."

"I do not need to be baby sat, I am a teenager now! I can look after myself!" They heard come from the other room. It made both of them chuckle.

"Well I think I better leave." I said standing up.

"You do not have to leave, you can stay for lunch if you want. Ira will not mind." She offered.

"Thank you for the offer but I really need to be going. I have to go and feed Kate, my fish." I said before leaving.


"Yeah Ziva." I smiled before turning around.

"Promise you will not tell anyone about this, not even Gibbs, no matter how hard he glares at you."

"I promise." I said before leaving.

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