She's Alive

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WARNING: there are some scenes that people may find upsetting, including stillborn children. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED

Zivas POV

I was in the lift with Tony. I just had to tell him, I couldn't keep it to myself anymore. It was killing me slowly on the inside knowing and not telling him.

I sighed, "Tony this is really hard for me to do and I wont be suprised if you hate me after this. It is a horrible thing for me to do, to keep this from you and watch you everyday whilst I have information that could change your life, for the better or the worse." I was rambling. I never ramble, well I only ramble if I fear for my loved ones.

"Ziva, take a deep breath, gather your thoughts and slowly tell me." Tony grabbed my chin and tilted my head up so i was looking him in the eye. Damn, there was absolutely no way out of this one.

"Just promise you will not hate me after I tell you." I needed reassurance.

"Ziva, I can't promise you anything if I don't know what you are about to tell me." He had a fair point there.

"Okay, Caitlyn Todd is alive." I could not look Tony in the eye when I told him.

"WHAT?!?!" Tony screamed in my face.

"Im sorry Tony, I did not know how to tell you..."

He took a deep breath to console himself. "How long have you known?"

"Two years." I barely whispered.

"TWO YEARS!! Ziva do you KNOW how long TWO years is?! WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!"

"I do not know." I felt like a teenager who was being disciplined.

"Do you have any proof?"

"Yes, here you go." I pulled out pictures of Kate from security cameras and a bank statement.

"Wow, this is..."

"There is more." I said and pulled out my phone which had some more pictures of Kate with a young child.

"And who is this?" Tony asked pointing to the child.

"I do not know."

"For someone with that big of an accusation you sure don't know a lot."

"Look, I am sorry I could not give you anymore information. I am sorry I withheld this information for so long and I am sorry that I was not a better friend and told you straight away. I just wanted to make sure that these sightings were real and not fake, then over the last few months I started seeing her. With my own eyes but I never managed to get a picture on my phone until 2 weeks ago and I have been so scared to tell you because I know how much she means to you and I thought that if, no when, we find her that you might want to be with her."

"And Ziva why would you be scared that I might have wanted to be with her?" Tony asked cocking his head to one side.

"Because, harah, I-I love you Tony. I have since I met you. Every time I look at you its like the first time I saw you, I get butterflys in my tummy and I get this warm feeling all over. You make me feel loved in a way I have never felt before. Tony I love you."

"Well, I guess we better go tell Gibbs about Kate." Tony said flicking the switch. The elevator doors opened and Tony stepped out.

"You know what? Fuck you Tony. You have no compassion for anyone, no wonder why you do not have a girlfriend because no one likes you enough to even think about that with you." I said and snatched the papers and my phone out of his hand just as the doors closed.

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