The Mall pt.2

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Alyssa POV

After Zach asked me out he told me to go get ready for our date. I can't wait for it. I was going to ask Sammy to with me to the mall and choose a dress but she was going to go with Corbyn. Who should I ask I got it Jack.
"JACK!" I yelled.
He didn't hear me so I went up to his room and see that he didn't notice me come in. I decided to scare him. I jump on top of him.
"AAHHHH!" he screams like a girl.
I continue to just die.
"2 for 2." I chuckled.
"What do you want?" He asked while still being mad.
"Can you go with me to the mall to choose a dress for my date later with Zach?" I asked.
"Fine, but I'm going to get back at you." he said.
"In your dreams." I laughed.
We get to the mall and we decided to go in a few stores. The first dress I put on was a red dress. I come out and show Jack.
"Ehh," he replied, "it's a typical type of dress girl's wear for a first date."
"Okay, let me find another dress." I yell him.
"How about this one?" I say holding up a light blue dress with one strap
"No." he answered.
"Why not?" I asked
"It doesn't feel like something you would wear." he explained.
"That's true." I laughed. This boy knows me too well.
I kept walking through the store and couldn't find a dress.
"Uggh," I complain, "I can't find a dress in this entire store."
"I bet I can find you dress in 10 seconds." He claims.
"If you do then I will get you froyo." I insisted.
"Okay deal." He said getting up and looking for a dress.
*few seconds later*
"Try this dress." He insisted. (Dress above).
I grab the dress and put it on. I actually really liked it. I came out to show Jack.
"You look so pretty." he said.
"Thanks," I said, "guess I owe you froyo."
"Yes!" he exclaimed.
I went up to by the dress and when I was about to pay for it Jack paid for it.  Why won't these boys let me pay for my things?!
"Don't do it Jack." I said.
"To late," he smirked, "your paying me froyo amd I am going to get a lot so we're even."
I grabbed the bag and we went to get froyo. I didn't get a lot of froyo cause 1. I wasn't that hungry and 2. Jack is going all out. I paid for the froyo and we were just eating.
"My stomach hurts." Jack complained.
"You shouldn't have gotten that much froyo." I smirked.
"Ohh don't be such a smart mouth." He replied.
I saw that I goy a text from Zach said we would be leaving at 630 and it was only 445. We just ate our froyo and talked until 5.
"How's your froyo?" I asked.
"Good," he replied, "how bout you?"
"It's okay." I answered.
"Are you excited for your date?" he asked.
"A little but I am also nervous." I tell him.
"Don't worry," he answered, "Zach is a good person and if he hurts you then I will hurt him."
"Aww thanks." I replied.
"Hey that's what friends are for." he chuckled.
I am glad me and Jack are friends. I mean think about it: he has a good sense of style, can tell if I would like something or not in seconds, basically just the best person in the world. I know what you might be thinking that I like him and yes I do, but I like him only as a friend. We finish up our froyo and go home. Wow, Icome here so much that it is practically my second home. Well, more like my first home now since my mom is getting busier at work. 515 I have time to get ready. I go upstairs and take a shower and change into the dress. I decided to just wear it with some high top converse, a brown side purse, and a jean jacket (one in picture). After I get ready I decided to Dutch braid my hair in two for now while I did my make up. Now make up is something I usually don't wear but my "make up" just consisted of chapstick cause I don't really like to wear make up so yea. It was only 545 so I decided to just Youtube. I stumble upon Logan's vlog and it was when we were hanging out at his house with the giveaway winners. He was recording and in the background you can see me and Zach practically cuddling. If I saw this yesterday I would have been mad, but today I am actually not that upset. I touch the top of my head and ot was dry. So I take it out of the Dutch braids and BOOM heatless curls. I don't trust myself near a curling iron so I just do the Dutch braid it is much easier. I check the clock and it was 615.
"Alyssa are you ready?" Zach yelled.
"Yea, I'm coming." I hollered.
I can't waitfor this date.

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