The Explanation

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Jack left with the girl. She was about the same height as me with black hair and long hair in the front but her hair is cut short in the back. I decided to just watch some PLL. As it got suspenseful, Someone scared me and it was Daniel.
"I HATE YOU!!!" I yelled at him.
"You should have seen your face," he laughed, "it was so funny."
He sat down with me and watched the show with me. Yes, Daniel watches the show with me. We got tired of it so we switched to a movie and it was Trolls. The door opened and I see I tired Zach. 
"Hey Zach," I said coming up to him and giving him a hug, "are you okay?" 

"Yea, I am just tired." he said yawning.

"Are you gonna go to bed?" I asked.

"Probably." he said. 

"Okay, I'm going to go finish up the movie, and go meet you in your room. Okay?" I told him.

"Okay." he replied.

"If you need me just call or text me." I said.

"See you later Alyssa." Zach said kissing my forehead. 

He walked upstairs and I continued the movie with Daniel. We were just laughing because the movie was so funny. We heard the door open and see Jack enter the house with the same girl from earlier.

"Oh hey guys this is Justine." He said introducing us to her.

"Hello," we said.

"Justine, this is Alyssa and Daniel." he said introducing us to her.

"Oh hi guys." she said looking at us with a weird dirty look.

Her and Jack went upstairs and as soon as they were upstairs Daniel tells me he doesn't like her.

"You don't?" I questioned.

"She looked at me with a dirty look. Did you see that earlier?" he asked.

"Yea, she gave a weird look earlier. Plus, when she came over earlier she was like acting very rude to me when I answered the door." I told him.

"I don't think her and Jack will last that long." he answered me. 

Me and Daniel finished the movie and I was getting tired so I told him I was going to bed. 

"Okay, see you tomorrow." he said giving me a hug. 

"Goodnight." I tell him.

I walk upstairs and knock on Zach's door cause he usually locks his door to stop the boys from taking pictures of us sleeping together (not in a sexual way). I knock on his door and he opens the door without his shirt on, which is usually how he sleeps. 

"Hey Alyssa." he says in a very tired voice.

"I'm sorry for waking you up." I apologized.

"That's fine. I'm glad your here." he said pulling me in for a hug.

We just stood there hugging for a while when we heard a door open. I saw it was Justine. She just looked at Zach for a few seconds and just left. I didn't pay much attention to that but we just went to bed. I was tired and just went to sleep.

Skip to the next morning

I wake up to the smell of bacon and was attempting to get out with Zach waking up and was successful. I go and see Daniel was making breakfast.

"Do you need help?" I asked.

"Yea, could you make some eggs, please?" he questioned.

"Yea, sure." I told him.

We were done making breakfast and the boys wake up. 

"Ooo, pancakes." Corbyn yelled.

"I call dibs..... on all of them." Jack calls.

"To bad," Jonah said, "cause they are all mine." 

We all ate breakfast. We didn't have any plans for today, but the boys are planning on going to Logan's so they can do a mashup. After breakfast, I call Jack over. 

"What's up?" Jack asked.

"Whose Justine. You just introduced us to her, but actually introduced us to her." I tell him.

"So Justine is one of my old friends. We have been talking forever and she decided to come and visit. When I found out she came here, I asked her to come hang out." he explained. 

"Do you like her?" I asked getting nervous.

"Maybe a little." he blushed.

"Just make sure you are careful. Okay?" I tell him which id weird to say but Jack really needs to be careful if 2 people alreafy don't like her after meeting her for five minutes.

"I will." he tells me.

I hope so.

I forgot to post this before I left.

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