Camping Trip pt.2

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Sammy POV (new point)

We get to the place and start to set up our tents. We have a double spot where it was like you are renting out two spots for one. We have like four tents, but they were 2 or 4 person tents so they weren't as big. We make out tent arrangements at this is what they were: me and Corbyn, Jake is alone, we are all on the one spot, on the other side it is Alyssa and Zach, with Daniel and Jonah in the other tent. Once we set the tents up, we place the sleeping bags out and sit at the table. It was about to get dark so I suggested we go for a quick walk before it gets fully dark. 

Sammys outfit: (not including the backpack)

We go for the walk and it was really cool cause we are able to get a great view of the sunset and it is beautiful

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We go for the walk and it was really cool cause we are able to get a great view of the sunset and it is beautiful. Corbyn grabs my hand and I smile at him and he smiles back. I give him a kiss on the cheek, but he puts his lips on my and it feels amazing! I can't believe he just did that. He pulls back and blush, we start to walk back and go make dinner.

Alyssa POV

We get back from the walk and I decide to start a fire. Yes, I know how to start a fire don't be surprise. I grab the wood and place some starter cubes and place them underneath the wood. I know it's cheating but I didn't want to have to start the fire from scratch. Once I get the fire going I get the dogs and place them on the sticks and pass them around to everyone. We cook the hotdogs over the fire and Jonah ends up burning his hotdog. We just laugh at it and we all just talk about everything. It is great to take a break from social media and just socialize in real life. It starts to get late and we are all tired, we all go into our tents and go to bed. I am in a tent with Zach, which I'm not complaining about. I go in first to change into some shorts and a long sleeve shirt cause it was kinda cold. Zach came in and just took off his shirt and went to bed. I am about to fall asleep when a hand goes over my stomach and pulls me closer to them. 

"I love you." Zach said falling asleep.

"Love you too." I replied as we drifted to sleep.

Next day

I wake up and get Zach up as well. I look to see what we should make for breakfast. I decided to get the mini camping pan I bought, and make some eggs. Everyone walks up and eat the eggs. 

"We should go for fishing today." I suggest.

"I'm down," Sammy said. 

Everyone agrees to it and we go fishing. We grab our poles and grab the bait. I wasn't sure if I want to us live or fake bait. I choose the live bait if I want to catch anything good. We grab the bait and everything and start walking to the pond. I place the live bait and no matter how much I fish, I will always get disgusted to but on the bait. I place it on the hook and start fishing. A few moments later, I can feel a tug on my pole and start to reel in and caught a little fish. I show everyone the fish and name me "Queen of Fishing" since I was the first one to catch something.

Skip to Smore's time because this is important

We start to make smores and I burn my marshmallow, which is fine cause I like it burnt at least. We all tell each other funny camping stories we have and I start to talk about funny things that happen to me when I would have to move.

"I think I'm going to go to the bathroom." Zach said.

"Okay. See you later!" I replied.

I realize I also have to pee, but Zach was already far ahead of me so I just "follow" him to the bathroom. I go inside the bathroom and use the bathroom of course. Afterwards, I plan to scare Zach when he comes out of the bathroom. The girl's bathroom is on the other side of the boys bathroom so I walk around to hide so I can scare Zach. I peek over to see if Zach came out yet, I see him and a girl who looks familiar, JUSTINE, they were talking I don't know what they were talking about cause I was too far, but I did see them start to kiss. Zach didn't make an attempt to push her off, but instead he is kissing her back. I didn't know what to do, so I just went back to the camp site. I am already crying, but I 'm holding the tears back a little bit. When I got back, everyone looks confuse.

"Are you good?" Daniel ask.

Those three words make me start balling out tears. They all come up to me and Jack starts asking me questions. I then explain to them EVERYTHING. They all are getting really mad at Zach for this, especially Jack. I tell them to not talk about it when he comes back and if we could leave tomorrow because I won't be able to stand him. 

"Yes, we will pack everything tomorrow morning and you can ride with my and Corbyn if you would like on the way back home." Sammy told me.

"Okay, thank you guys." I tell them.

It was getting late and Zach wasn't back yet, but I didn't care at all if he was back or not. We start to put everything back in the van and car so we could leave tomorrow before breakfast. I didn't want to go into our tent so I go up the Jack.

"Hey Jack," I said, "can I sleep in your tent tonight cause I don't want to deal with Zach today?"

"Yes, of course." Jack told me. 

I grab my sleeping bag and go to sleep. I felt Jack pull me towards him. 

"Everything will be okay." he tells me.

I hope it does.

This chapter was very hard for me to write. Mainly because the people I use are real people, and I was listening to depressing music as I was writing this. Don't worry guys everything will be okay!


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