Chapter One: Being Consumed.

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Author's Note:

Ciao miei cari!  I just wanted to upload this and see if anyone likes it!!! My friend and I are doing this roleplay, so this is it.  I am roleplaying Italy, She is roleplaying Japan, and we both do the other characters.  Or character, so far xD  So, this is the first chapter, and I will most likely be uploading the second and maybe third right after this.  Please Review!

Kiku walks into the apartment, shouting out, “Konichi’wa, Italy!”  He heard no response and walked around to find him.  “Italy?”


Feliciano stirs slightly in his deep sleep and murmurs—as a response—many random phrases including pasta.


He walks into the living room to find him sleeping, sprawled in a weird position over the couch.  He walks up to him and lightly shakes his shoulder, “Italy?”


Italy’s arms flutter around, looking for the source of whatever was waking him up, and landed on Kiku’s face.  Golden brown eyes looked up at the Japanese man and soon Feliciano pulled him into an awkward hug.  It obviously wasn’t awkward to Feliciano, though.  “Buongiorno… oh, wait, it isn’t morning is it?  Oh well!”


He shifts awkwardly and tries to escape the small Italian’s arms to no prevail.  He laughs nervously, all the while trying to escape.  “H-ha… ha… no.  It’s 6 o’clock, Italy…”


“Uwah… six?  Heh… I promised Doitsu I would help him with something an hour ago… Ve!  He will be so upset!”  Italy’s eyes widened and he began to squirm nervously.  His mind was filled with thoughts of what Germany might do to him… he shivered.  “Japannnnnn!  Could you be so nice and call Doitsu and tell him I’m sick with the… Pasta Pox!  Pleaseeeeeeee!”


He backs up a bit to put some room between himself and the young man.  He brushed off his black uniform, straightening it out.  He looked at the Italian again and sighed.  “Italy, You’re family was in a car crash… Luckily, at least for you, Romano made it out alive.  Your parents and Pookie didn’t.” He shifts a bit, looking uncomfortable delivering such news.


Feliciano stayed lying on the couch and staring blankly at Kiku.  His family… A car crash… They were… At least Romano is… What?  He sat up and looked around for no apparent reason.  His eyes burned for a minute and then they were cooled by a soothing wetness that roamed the bottom lid of his eyes and explored further to his checks.  “Dead…” Feliciano looked Kiku in the eyes, “They are?  But… Romano isn’t…”  His hiccupped softly, creating a squeak-like noise, before tears streamed down his cheeks.


His heart melts at the sight of his dear friend reduced to tears.  Recently, he had fantasized about the possibility of more than friends, but he was dark… a pure one like him would never last in a relationship with one like himself.  So to spare the hurt, he will deliver the news then leave soon after.  “Yes, Feliciano.  I’m sorry to be the one to tell you but Romano doesn’t want to face you.  He said you remind him of mom too much.  So I… just came to tell you instead..”  He looks to his friend, sobbing on the couch.  His face set with determination, he walks over and sits beside him, knowing that he himself would want someone to at least sit with him during this time of hurt.


Feliciano felt… he didn’t exactly know how he felt.  His heart was empty but also it felt so heavy and like a liquid was leaking out the bottom of it.  It felt like it was disintegrating in his chest.  He closed his eyes wishing he could sleep and forget about it for even a moment.  He laid his head on Japan’s shoulder and sniffled a little.  He could feel the boney structure of Kiku’s shoulder blade and it felt odd and somewhat hurt to have his temple pressed against it… it was comforting though.  Thunder lit up the house like a flash grenade and Feliciano jumped up from Kiku’s side with feet planted on the floor.  “A storm?  I wonder how bad it’ll get, ve…” he quickly turned on the television and flipped to the weather channel.

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