Chapter Four: Here We Go Again.

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Author's Note:

Ciao miei cari!  Well… Here is the next part.  We hope you guys like it, it's not much... yet.

Last Time:

Feliciano and Kiku went to Venice!  And they are still there.  It’s time for the next part of the day! 

 Feliciano smiled and yelled, "Ciao!" to the gondola driver as he waved. He watched the gondola driver pick up two people--two pretty ladies--and push them off in to the opposite direction he, himself was going. He sighed and looked back at Kiku, "Isn't Venice a beautiful place?"


He quickly lowered the camera as his friend turned and blushed a bit. "Uh, hai. It is, Feli."  Seeing multiple people carrying around bags from a store close by, he decided to take his friend. Whether it was just a distraction or not, it was still time spent with the person he... Cared for. With a slight pause and a blush, he shook his head to clear his thoughts and took Feli's hand. He dragged him through the crowd with expert ease, slipping through small gaps and around couples linked at the hand. 'Much like we are now..' he thought with another blush. He never usually blushed this much, what'd gotten into him...? Pushing his thoughts away once again, he came to a stop in front of the store he was looking for. The Golden Arts, a glorious store filled with all the art supplies imaginable. Easels and paints, cameras and film, sketchbooks and coal, so much it was hard to take in. His face breaking into a huge excited grin, he ran in, jerking his friend with him. "Let’s go!~"


Feliciano was certainly surprised when his friend took his hand and excitedly took him in to the art store. The store was amazing, so many different art supplies. He smiled and looked to Kiku. "I'm going to go check out their oil paints!" He ran off without another word or thought about what he was doing. When he reached the paints, he searched for the colors that were burned in his mind, brown, black, white, red, yellow, blue and purple. He grabbed the paints, knowing that if he needed any colors in between that he could simply mix them himself, and placed them in a basket he found nearby. Walking down the aisle slowly, seeing if there was anything else that caught his eye, he noticed many different sized canvases. He placed a few small 4 by 6's and a 12 by 18.


As he walked along the aisles, he grabbed several rolls of film and pondered over buying an album. After several moments, he made a decision and grabbed two small albums. He walked along the edge of the aisles in search of his friend. When he found him, he smiled and walked up to him. "Did you find something to your liking, Feli?"


Feliciano looked over at Kiku who was standing at the beginning of the isle. "Si! I found plenty of things I can use!" He took his basket filled with many different art supplies and skipped to Japan. He wrapped his arm around Kiku's and started singing a random tune with random words. "Going, going to the check out, to the, to the check out we go~ We are going to buy some, some stuff that we need--or technically just want because it is fun to have this kind of stuff--but oh well, we are going to the check out, today!"


He laughs and holds his arm close, trotting a bit to keep up with his friend's skipping. As they checked out and Feli continued singing random songs, he watched him closely. His cheeks were flushed with happiness, his eyes closed as he sang in a rough but beautiful voice. His hair hung into his eyes and Kiku badly wanted to reach out and push it out of the way of his beautiful hazel eyes that stored a red tint and an evil with it. But he restrained that need. He continued to look at him even after his song ended and he looked over at him to see him staring.

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