Chapter Five: Going Different Paths.

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Author's Note:

Ciao miei amori!  Ahhhhh!  Fluffiness during this chapter.  That is a warning.  GerIta and LucJap, if you know what I mean.  And to let you guys know, it is not going to stay this way.  JAPITA WILL RESOLVE! 

Last Time:

Kiku and Feliciano were still in Venice and they saw Ludwig, BUM BUM BUM!  He said he wanted to talk to Feliciano, alone... also, Lucifer materialized.  So much epicness, now time for the fluff.

As they rowed through the clear water, Luc wrapped his arm around Kiku's small waist and pulled him tight against his side. With his free hand, he laced his fingers slowly with the Japanese teens. At the close contact, Kiku blushed deeper and looked away.

Luc shook his head and brought up their entwined hands and tilted his head back towards him. He leaned close and whispered, "My Kiku...”  After a slight pause, he leaned the rest and planted a surprisingly soft kiss upon Kiku's lips.

At first, his eyes remained wide, but after a moment, he let his eyes drift closed while he kissed the beautiful demon seated... Very close to him. A feeling stirred in his chest while they gently floated throughout the winding rivers of Venice, a feeling that vaguely reminded him of the feelings that appeared in him when around Italy...

Feliciano... a scene appeared within his mind. Just before Luc took him away, the German man taking Feli's hand and them running off together. A deep pain stabbed through his heart as he replayed the scene through his mind. A pain that made him crave the love of his devil evermore.


"Not as beautiful as you, mein liebe." Hearing those words roll off of Ludwig's tongue made Feliciano shiver. When had Ludwig become so romantic? Was it the same moment he had changed his appearance?

Ludwig's strong arms wrapped around Feliciano's waist, forcing him to turn and face the German. Their chests touched slightly and Feliciano's hand rested upon his love's all too calmly. Love... is that what he felt?

Staring. Just staring at Ludwig's chest, that is what Feliciano did. He didn't have the guts to look him in the eyes, not yet. He had no choice, sadly, as one of the German's hands brought his chin up as Ludwig leaned down and kissed Feliciano.

The Italian melted into the kiss and giggled when they pulled apart. "Do you really love me, Luddi?"

"More than anything, Feli."


They broke apart gasping and Kiku looked up to see a small blush on Luc's face. He grinned and giggled. "Are you blushing, Lucie?"

"Wh-What? No!"

He laughed again and laid his head on Luc's chest, closing his eyes. Luc began humming in his ear, a song that he knew and loved very much. "Not Alone" by RED. He always wished he could be the singer, singing to Feli that he would carry him while he was weak. But he had a strong German to do that for him.

So he imagined his devil singing it to him, having Luc support HIM... It was different but... Nice.

As he imagined this, he turned onto his side and laid an arm over his devil's waist. He slowly drifted into sleep in his arms.


Feliciano and Ludwig continued gazing into each others' eyes. Those eyes Feliciano had loved so much; the blue pools of cleansing coolness were now deep violet pools of toxic poison. Feliciano sighed sweetly and laid his head on Ludwig's neck, nuzzling gently.

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