Chapter Two: Reactions Of The Loved And The Man Feared By Most.

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Author's Note:

Ciao Miei Amori!  It is me again.  Second chapter already, really easy to post also since I already had typed it out and printed it for a friend.  Anyways, I'll inform you on what happened last chapter~

Last Time:

Feliciano found out his family had been killed in a car crash, with only Romano living.  Even Pookie died.  Poor Pookie!  So, overnight who-knows-what happened, but, the darkness consumed him.


~While Italy Was Gone~ Before he took a shower, Feliciano walked into his room to gather an outfit.  He looked in his drawers and found black dress shirts, and in his closet were blue military outfits.  One outfit had caught his eye though; it hung on a hanger in the corner.  The jacket and pants were exactly like his usual military outfit but they were a dark chocolate brown.  On the belt that was attached hung a little string, most likely and accessory to make it have colors other than brown.  A brown dress shirt sat folded next to a pair of brown boots without cuffs and a hat with a red string similar to the belt’s.  He grabbed the outfit, deciding it would be better than the blue outfit he normally wore. ~Current Time~ Feliciano stood before Kiku in his new, less vibrant outfit.  He saw that Kiku had made food to eat, but it didn’t take his sight to tell him that.  The smell wafted throughout the apartment filling it with a fried rice and pickled plums scent.  “Ciao, Gioppone.”


He turns to Italy with the blank look he usually has.  But then his eyes lit up as he saw Italy in a new costume.  “Konichi’wa, Italy.  You look… nice.”  He grabs two dishes and two pairs of chopsticks, setting the table and inviting his close friend over, secretly worrying about how he’s handling everything.


Italy sits down at the table and grabs the chopsticks, swiftly pulling them apart and speaking in fluent Japanese, “Itadakimasu” before digging into his meal.  He ignored the look Japan was giving him—although he knew it was there.  Feliciano felt different, truly.  He felt knew, renewed, better.  Life felt like a breath of air.  Everything was easier, he was stronger and he wasn’t the clueless idiot everyone has thought he was anymore.  He hadn’t realized his stupidity at the time, but now everything was clear.  This path he had taken, making a pact with the devil, choosing darkness over light… this was right.


Kiku remembered his first day after he sold his soul to the darkness.  Everything came as new.  His senses were heightened, he could smell, hear, see, and even taste better.  It was a whole new world.  Life came easy.  But it was hard being the only one.  No one else knew the power of the dark side.  To have his best friend change was a miracle inside a horror.  Something terrible had happened to cause this but the benefits would be huge.  He began to dig into his perfectly made meal, satisfying only his physical hunger.  He, himself, was never satisfied.  The hunger continued to gnaw and he continued to bear with it.  He was partly glad to have Italy know the raw power of being dark.  He was… excited in a sense.  He realized the who time he was thinking of the young man seated across from him, he had been unconsciously staring at him and glanced away quickly, returning to his food.


Feliciano finished his meal and pushed his plate away from his body slightly.  He laughed aloud for no apparent reason and looked at Kiku, “What would you like to do today, caro?”


He stands up and takes both of their bowls to the sink.  Respecting that he is in someone else’s house, he cleans all the dishes and puts them back.  The he resumes his spot across from his friend.  “Well, I have no plans, so whatever you feel like doing is fine.”

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