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After hours of driving finally I arrive at my destination, I parked my car and got out of it.

You read it right, I drive for hours because I came all the way from seoul to jeonju.

I know my mom knows how to make me feel better, cause she always do. Mom don't want to leave jeonju because she said that there are a lot of beautiful memory here, and she wants to remember those memories every single day, 'this place always makes me happy' she always say.

I personally don't want to leave this place too, but I have to. I'm working for my dad in seoul, dad and I are both living in seoul but we are not living in the same house.

Dad is living in our family house in seoul and will be home here in jeonju every weekend, while I have my own apartment because I don't want everybody to know that I'm rich, and dad understands that. I don't want to be loved because of my money, I want to be loved because I'm me, not because I'm a daughter of a rich business man. I stood in front of the house and look at my surroundings, nothing really change in this place. I miss being here, I miss being a kid with no worries of being hurt and being left out. I walk to the door step and knock the door. Not long after I heard footsteps inside then the door cracked open, and stood there is mrs. Noh with a surprise expression. Mrs. Noh is like a family to me, to us. She's been working for our family for as long as I know. I smiled at her like a kid. I miss her.

"Hi mrs. Noh." I called out her name. "It's been so long, it's nice to see you again." I told her happily. She smiled at me. "Taeyeon, you're here. We miss you. It's been really a while."

She said and hug me, I hug her back. "I miss you too." We broke the hug. "Where is mom?" I asked her. "She's in the back yard, watering her plants." She said, and I smiled. Mom really love her plants. "She really love them." I comment out. She just smiled at me and nodded. "Go see her, she really miss you." She said. I nodded my head and went to the backyard, where mom's garden is. When I arrived, I looked around to see where my mom is. There I spotted her watering her beautiful flowers, mom look so calm and happy. I walked near her and when I'm a few steps away from her I spoke. "You're always beautiful like your flowers mom." I said. She stop from her tracks and look at me. Shocked can be seen in her face. "Taeyeon is that you?" She asked, I chuckle because of her reaction. "Who else mom. I'm the one and only Kim Taeyeon, your beautiful daughter" I told her proudly. She turn off the host that shes holding and drop it in the ground. She smiled at me, and go near me. "You naughty kid." She said and hug me. I hugged her back and laugh at her. "I'm not a kid anymore mom." I pout. "Yes you are, I miss you so much. Why didn't you visit me often huh?" She asked me and broke the hug. "Sorry mom, work has been hectic lately so I didn't get the chance to visit." I apologize. Her eyes soften. "Is your dad making you work hard?" She said threateningly. I laugh again. "No mom, there are just really a lot of things to do in the office. Dad is treating me right, he always do." I said smiling sweetly at my worried mom. "Is that so, okay. You must be hungry, because you drove for hours." She said knowingly. I pout and said. "Actually mom, I am. I miss your cooking." I said. She smiled at me. "Look at your face right now, and you told me your not a kid anymore?" She said playfully. I sigh. "I'm not mom, I just really miss you and your cooking." I said, and pout even more. I don't want to be called a kid anymore cause I'm not. "Okay, okay. Your not a kid. Now come with me I'll cook your favorite ." She said sweetly. My eyes lit up, and we made our way to the kitchen. Mom cooked my favorite dishes and mrs. Noh is helping her, while they are cooking we are chatting happily, it's making me feel really good and it is helping me forget my problem for a while. I miss this feeling. After eating mom and I settled our selves in the living room and where just talking about random things. "Why did you suddenly decided to come here in jeonju ?" She suddenly asked me curiously. "Can I not be here?" I answered her with a question. She smiled. "Silly, you know that's not what I mean." She told me. "I just really miss you mom." I said softly. She raised one of her eyebrows. "Really? But you always call me whenever you're going home." She said suspiciously. I look at her nervously. "M-mom I just want to surprise you." I said, well that's really a lie. She doesn't look convince by my answer. "Okay, if you say so." She said, even if it's clear that she is not really please by my answer. "So, how are you and you're girlfriend?" She asked, my smile instantly fell. So I bowed my head. "Bring her here with you the next time you visit me. I really like that girl for you." Mom keeps on saying things about how cute me and my ex-girlfriend are, and how she like her. My eyes are starting to water again. Mom suddenly tap my shoulder, but I didn't look up as I don't want her to see me crying. "Taeyeon, are you listening to me?" She tap me again but I didn't budge. She suddenly cup my face and lift my head, it's so sudden so I didn't get the chance to wipe my tears. When she saw my face full of tears, she worriedly asked. "What happen? Are you hurt? Why are you crying?" I can't take it anymore, so I let my self cry as hard as I want. I sob and my mom hug me. "Shhh, it's okay. Don't cry." She repeatedly whisper to me. I just cried and cried until I'm tired of crying. Mom broke the hug and look at me, her eyes are full of concern. "Why did you suddenly cry? Did I say something that hurt you?" She asked guilt can be hear in her voice. I shook my head. "No mom, you didn't say anything wrong" I said while sniffing. "Then why did you suddenly cry? You're making me worried you know." She told me. I smiled apologetically at her. There's no point of lying anymore. "Sorry mom, it's just that, I don't have a girlfriend anymore. She-she broke up with me yesterday." I said and tears flow out of my eyes again. Mom look at me shockingly and wipe my tears like she always do. "Why did she break up with you? I thought she loves you? She said it herself." Mom asked and told me. "I thought so too mom, but she said that she wants too have a child with a man not with a woman. And she don't want to disobey her parents, and sadly her parents don't like me even a bit." I told her sadly, remembering sica's words. "Tell me everything." She said. And I told her everything from the cool off thing to the break up. Mom continuously wipe my tears while I'm telling her everything, and she said she is glad that I know enough than to push my self to someone who don't want me. And she's glad that I made a proper closure with sica. She said that she's proud of me. Her words somehow made me feel better. At least I know I made the right choice. I'm so thankful for my mom. "Remember what I said when your first girlfriend dump you?" She asked hopefully. I smiled at her a bit. "Yes mom. You said that when you lose someone, someone much better will come." I told her. She smiled at me lovingly. "Good you know. Now, are you okay?" She asked. I inhale deeply and smiled at her before nodding my head. "Thank you mom, for being here to comfort me. I really need that right now." I said. She smiled even wider. "I know taeyeon, I know.and remember that I'll always be here for you whenever you need me. " She told me lovingly, then she hug me. I just nodded as a response. After our mother and daughter talk, mom invite me to eat ice cream cause she knows that it always calms me down every time. I decided to spend the night here in jeonju and I will go back in seoul tomorrow afternoon. Maybe it's a weird request but I asked my mom if I could sleep with her tonight, cause I really miss her and I know I will sleep well beside her. My mom laugh at my request, 'I thought you said you're not a kid anymore?' she said, and I just smiled. 'I'm always my moms kid' I thought to my self that made me laugh. That night I sleep peacefully while being hug by a wonderful person in my life, my one and only mom who's always there for me when I need her. And I can't be more thankful for that. *************************************** I wake up hearing the chirp of the birds. It's really refreshing when you wake up and the birds seems to sing a morning song for you. I miss this feeling, I can't help but to smile. I scanned the room and my mom is no longer with me, so I help my self up and do my morning routine. After that I went downstairs and I saw mrs. Noh cleaning in the living room. "Good morning tae." She greeted me. I smiled at her. "Good morning." I greeted back. "Wheres mom mrs. Noh?" I asked when I didn't see my mom anywhere in the living room. "She's in the kitchen, she's cooking your breakfast." She said. I nodded my head and made my way to the kitchen. I didn't reach the kitchen yet but I can already smell the delicious smell of my moms cooking. I enter the kitchen then, I saw my mom so focus on arranging the table so I take my time and watch her do what she's doing. She looks so calm, I wonder if she ever has problems. It didn't take so long for her to notice me. "Oh, taeyeon. How long have you been standing there?" She asked. "Just now mom. What did you cook for me today? It's smells good." I answered. "You said you want some homemade bibimbap right? Here it is." She said smiling while presenting the bowl of bibimbap in front of me. "Wow! That's great! Thank you mom." I said and hug her. "You're welcome, I'll do anything you ask me as long as I can." She told me, while staring at me motherly. I smiled at her. "That's why I'm glad you're my mom." I said. She just chuckle. "I'm glad you're my daughter too. You little kid." She told me with wide and teasing smile. I pout because she called me a kid again. "Mom, I'm not a kid anymore." I claimed. She just smile. "Whatever you say" she said. "Now eat, before the food gets cold" she added. "Aren't you going to join me?" I asked. "I will. I'll just get some for me." She said . After that she get herself a food and eat with me. We eat happily like there is nothing bad happen. Well that's exactly what I want. All the recent happenings are making me crazy. Time run so fast and it's already afternoon, and it's time to go back to seoul. "Be careful on your way, okay?" Mom reminded me. I smiled at her. "Yes mom, you know I will." I assured her. "Good. But visit me often okay? You know how much I miss you when you're away." Mom said. I laugh. She's being so dramatic. "Yes mom, I promise. You don't have to be so dramatic. When I have free times, I will visit okay?" I said. Her smile grew wider. "That's my girl" she said and hug me. "Now go." She said. Then I look at mrs. Noh who is standing beside me and my mom. "Mrs. Noh, I'll get going now." I said and hug her, she hug me back and said. "Okay, take care." She said and broke the hug. After that I walk my way to my car and settle my self inside. "Bye mom and mrs. Noh. I will miss the both you." I said while waving them goodbye. "Bye." They said and wave at me too. Then I drove off. I sighed. Another long drive. After driving for hours I finally arrived at my apartment. I'm really tired right now. I just wanna lay on my bed and just sleep. I entered my house and as I walk in I was immediately greeted with a very tight hug. It actually shock me, but I already know who the person is. "Y-ah... C-c-can-t b-breath." I said breathless. "Oh. Sorry!" She said and let go of me. I breath heavily catching breath. I glared at the culprit. "What?" She asked innocently. When I can breath properly again I spoke, still glaring at her. "Don't what me! Why do you have to startle me like that?! And why do you have to hug me so TIGHT?! Do you want me to DIE?! Huh?!" She just cover her ears, rolling her eyes at the same time. "That hurts! You don't have to shout you know!" She shouted back at me. "Why can't I?! You almost killed me!" I shouted again. "Okay , okay. Sorry about that. I was just really glad to see you. Do you know how worried I was when sica told me that the both of you broke up already?? I got even worried when you didn't answer any of my texts and calls." She said sincerely. That made me silent. The person in front of me is my one and only best friend CHOI SOOYOUNG. I didn't tell her about what happen because I don't want her to be worried but apparently sica told her. I wonder why. "Sooyoung" I called out her name. "I'm so sorry for not telling you, I just don't want you to be worried, and I turned my phone off because I don't want to be disturb for a while. I really need to relax because of what happened." I told her truthfully and smiled at her a little. "Taeyeon I'm your best friend. You must've told me. We promise not to keep anything to each other didn't we?" She's looking at me disappointedly. Now, I'm so guilty. I sighed softly. "I'm so sorry. I know you have lots of things to do and you're busy, that's why I didn't bother to tell you. I'm planning to tell you when I get back here though." I said "You know you're still my priority, right? You're like a sister to me. What if you... Y-you are to do something stupid, and I'm not even there to stop you?." She said, tears are starting to form in her eyes. I hug her, this girl really is like a real sister to me. She's always there whenever I need someone and she never fail in making me feel better. "Shhh.. Stop now. I did think on doing something stupid actually...but..." She suddenly broke the hug. "WHAT??! ARE YOU CRAZY??!" She exclaimed. And grab me by the collar. I expect her to do that though. Actually I expect her on doing something more, like punching or kicking but luckily she didn't yet. "S-sooyoung-ah." I called her nervously. "What?!" She answered like a mad lady. "I didn't do it. I just think of doing it but I never did it. I swear, I didn't." I told her, her face soften and she release me. "You sure?" She asked me suspicion is clear in her voice, while she's scanning my face. "Yes" I said. "I went to jeonju" I continued. "To your mom? " she asked. "Yeah, I just got here from jeonju, just now." I said "Is that so? Why didn't you tell me immediately?" She said. Right now she already calm down. She knows my moms effect on me. And I know that she's relieve that I went to my mom instead of other places. "Because you almost killed me??" I said then chuckle at my answer. "Sorry bout that. Now I can no longer be worried. I'm glad you're safe." She said smiling at me. I smiled back at her. "Sorry for worrying you again. But I'm a grown up now so you don't have to worry about me anymore." I assured her. She smiled at me teasingly. "Who said you've grown??" She asked with a wicked smile that I want to remove badly. I glared at her. "Why you!!" I shout and chase after her. And we run around chasing each other. It's already dark and sooyoung decided to stay for the night.(sooyoung has a duplicate key of my apartment, like how I had have hers. That's why she can go in and out of my place.) We're just in my room, lying on my bed and chatting about random things. "Why did sica told you about our breakup though?" I asked her and my self. "She said that she's worried about you, she's been calling you but you never answer. She said you doesn't look well the last time she saw you that's why she's worried." Sooyoung explained. "Is that so??" I asked. "Yeah, that's what she told me. And she told me everything already." She said lazily. "What she did!??" I can't believe she told sooyoung without my permission. Aish, that girl. "Yes. And I'm glad she did. Cause knowing you, you will not tell me immediately." She said and it's clear that she don't have any interest about what she's talking about. I just rolled my eyes. "Huh! Whatever!" I said in irritation. "But you know, I'm still mad at her for cheating on you." She said calmly. I looked at her. "At least she's honest." I told her. She looked at me confusedly. "You're still on her side after what she did." She asked. I actually don't know why, I mean I'm still mad at her but I'm thankful at the same time cause she didn't hide it from me and make me look like a stupid fool. I just shrugged my shoulder as an answer to stop the conversation."But you know, I'm still mad at her for cheating on you." She said calmly. I looked at her. "At least she's honest." I told her. She looked at me confusedly. "You're still on her side after what she did." She asked. I actually don't know why, I mean I'm still mad at her but I'm thankful at the same time cause she didn't hide it from me and make me look like a stupid fool. I just shrugged my shoulder as an answer to stop the conversation.

Authors note:

Ahnyeong!! Don't forget to vote chingu-ah!! *o*

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