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Morning came, after sooyoung and I ate our breakfast, we bid each other goodbye so we can go to our respective works. Sooyoung owned a restaurant like what she always dreamed of, and I, just like what I said before is working for my father. It didn't take long for me to reach my destination which is my dad's company of course. No one except my dad and his secretary know that I am my dad's daughter, everyone else only sees me as the Marketing Vice President. My dad actually told me that he is so proud of me, because of what I achieve even if I never let him help me. I enter my office room and sat on my desk, and start doing my job. After hours of work my secretary enter my office to tell me that the C.E.O wants to have lunch with me. Since it's my dad, of course I agreed. Mom must've told him about what happen already, and knowing him, he must be worried about me being hurt. Cause just like what he once told me 'I don't want my only princess to get hurt'. Dad is a very lovable person, especially when it comes to his family. He very serious and very respected person here in the company but when he's with us, his family, he is the most funny and childish father that I know. I arrived in front of the C.E.O's room and knock on the door. Not long after ms. Shin, my dad's secretary open the door and greet me with a bow. I nodded my head as an acknowledgement and enter. I went to my dad's desk which is located on the far right side of the huge office of him. It's not actually just an office, it's like a apartment, it has a kitchen, bedroom, bathroom and anything that he needs. Cause being a busy man he is, he's barely home. I'm in front of him already but he doesn't seem to notice my presence because he's to focus on what he's doing. I stared at him for a good 20 seconds before I decided to clear my throat to get his attention. Hearing me, he look up and his expression immediately change into a happy and worried one. "Taeyeon" he called my name and smiled at me, so I smiled back. "Dad" I replied back. He stood up from his sit and came to me and immediately hugged me. "Are you okay? Your mom told me already." She said and broke the hug. I smiled dorkily at him. "Dad I'm fine, yes I did get hurt but I'm really fine now." "Are you sure? You know how I hate it when you lie about your feelings because you don't want us to be worried." He told me sternly. I just laugh at him. He's being cute. "What's so funny??" He asked me. "Nothing dad, it's just that, you're being cute. Haha." I said and laugh at him again. He pout. "Dad stop that you're too old for that, and to answer your question, I'm perfectly fine" I told him while grinning. "Why can't I pout?" He asked and I giggled at his actions, I miss this side of my him, really. I look at ms. Shin and she is suppressing a laugh. I look at my dad teasingly. "Dad didn't you know that ms. Shin is still here? She can see all your doings you know." I told him and he look at ms. Shin embarrassed of what he's been doing. He composed himself and cleared his throat. "Ms. Shin, can you leave the two of us alone for a while.?" He asked. Then ms. Shin bowed at us before leaving the room. When ms. Shin is out, my dad sigh in relief and I laugh again because it's really rare to see a C.E.O being embarrassed. "Stop laughing it's not funny." He said glaring at me. I stop laughing and chuckle at him. "Okay, okay." I said and held my hands up to surrender. "So, I thought you invited me for lunch?" I asked him. "Yeah" he started walking to the kitchen. "I prepared some bibimbap for you." He said. Well, bibimbap is my favorite. I smiled at him. "Mom made some for me yesterday too." I said. "She did? Well, it's your favorite after all. You don't want it now?" He asked expectantly. "You said it dad, it's my favorite. Of course I want it." I smiled at him, he smiled to. "Now, that's my girl. Let's eat well. Just forget about that girl." He encourage me. I just chuckle again for the nth time. "Of course dad, it's not really worth it to think about her still. What's the point? I must get over her." I said smiling sincerely at him. "Good to hear. You know I miss you" he suddenly said. I look at him with a confused expression. He just chuckle at my reaction. "We work in the same company, but we barely see each other. We both live in seoul but we don't see each other at all. It's like we're so far away from each other, and when sica and you broke up you didn't come to me who is just near you, instead you drove for hours to jeonju to see your mom." He said and sigh when he finish. He's facial expression is showing sadness and longing. I find my self copying his expressions. I know I'm guilty. "Dad sorry. I really am, I promise from now on we will see each other everyday. Whenever I have time, I will visit you in our house. And I'm sorry for not coming to you first, when sica broke up with me. I love you dad and you know that, I know you do. It's just that, I know you're busy and I don't want you to be distracted by a whining baby. I hope you understand dad." I explain to dad while looking down. Then I suddenly heard a manly laugh, so I look up. I glared at him. Why is he laughing? "Dad? What's so funny?" I asked him irritatedly. He look at me then stop laughing. He knows I hate it when I'm being make fun of. He gulped then speak. "Uh-h." He stutter and rub the back of his neck. "Uh, what dad? Are you making fun of me?" I asked still glaring at him. He cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for laughing, you're just too cute. And I can't help it. I understand everything. I'm not mad at you, I just really miss my precious daughter. And I want you to keep your promises." He smiled lovingly at me. That made me smile too. I sighed and nodded my head. "Yes dad I will." And we both smile to each other. "Now, we must eat. The food is getting cold." He said. "Yes sir!"I answered playfully. And we both laugh because of our childish acts. The whole lunch went well, dad is joking around while we are eating and that made me feel really good. The day went smoothly like that. ************************ Sitting inside my office while still doing some reports, my secretary had inform me that it's already 9:00 in the evening, which I really didn't notice because I'm so occupied with work. I packed my things and ready my self to go home. Arriving at home I change my clothes into my pajamas, set my alarm clock and immediately lay in my bed. I was about to sleep when suddenly my phone went off. With a sleepy eyes I answered my phone without knowing who the caller is. "Hello." I said. I'm really sleepy right know. Who the h.. My thought was cut with a voice that I know so much. "Hello" she said. I froze like a statue and my eyes went wide. "S-si-sica?" I stutter, I can't believe that I'm actually hearing her voice. I look at the caller and it is definitely her. "Yes it's me, taeyeon" she answered. I gulped a huge lump in my throat, my heart is beating like crazy and I'm starting to sweat, my breathing is also starting to get heavy. From laying on my bed I decided to sit on it so I can breath properly. I don't know why but just hearing her voice makes me terribly terrified, I mean I feel like she's going to break my heart again, which I badly don't want to happen. I inhale and exhale deeply before talking. "Why did you call?" I tried to sound calm but I failed to do it because my voice is shaking. But at least I didn't stutter and I'm thankful for that. I don't want to sound weak, like how I really am. She's silent for a while, and I used her silence to compose my self. I heard her take a deep breath before speaking. "How are you?" She asked. How am I?? How does she think I am? Of course I'm not fine! "I'm fine." I lied, if I tell her the truth it's just going to be a burden. I mean what's the point? Even if I tell her I'm not fine, there won't be any difference anyway. She won't comeback to me. "Are you sure?" She asked again. "Yes" I answered without any hesitation. "Okay" she said, I know she don't believe me, but I'm glad that she didn't ask furthermore. I want to end this already. I don't want to talk to her just yet, I'm not ready. "Is there anything else you want to say? I'm really tired right now and I wanted to sleep already." I told her as polite and calm as I can. Even if I actually wanna shout at her for calling me. She sigh. "Oh no nothing. I don't have anything to say anymore. I just called to asked if you're okay. Sorry for disturbing you, I know you're tired, bye." She said, I suddenly felt so bad for being rude. "Wait! Sica! It's not that." I said but it's too late, she already hung up. "Stupid! Stupid!" I told myself and started knocking my phone in my head. Wait, why am I feeling like this?! I'm not suppose to feel like this, more so hurt myself. Aish. I throw my phone away from my reach so I won't be able to hurt myself even more. ******************** I've been tossing and turning in my bed for hours. And the last think I know, my alarm clock rang, which really shocked me. I grab the thing, turn it off and look at the time. It's already 7 in the morning and I am not asleep yet? I've been awake the whole night? Wow, just wow. I'm sure I'm looking like a zombie right now. Since I can't really find my self sleeping, I drag my self to the bathroom to prepare for work. After absentmindedly dressing up, I went down to the kitchen to look for anything to eat, but 'lucky' me there's nothing. I sighed and take note in my head that I should stop by to the grocery store. I decided to just have breakfast in the company so I again dragged my self out of the house not forgetting to lock the door, and drove off. Reaching at my destination, I asked one of the guards of the company to park my car for me because i am not really in my normal self right now, I might just crash my car which I don't want to happen, of course. After parking my car, the guard gave me back my keys. "Thanks" I flatly said. He look at me weirdly which I didn't care. I shrugged him off and made my way to the cafeteria. I notice everyone are looking my way, and some are even gossiping. I stop from my tracks and look at everyone around me, and since my position in the company is higher than them, they bowed at me multiple of times. I look at them weirdly and nodded my head. They are all acting weird. After that I continue making my way into the counter and ordered something to eat. After the lady gave me my order I sat down on the table near the window and started eating hungrily. I've been pushing all the food inside my mouth even if it's clear that there are no more space inside. I'm just really so hungry right now. I didn't even think about how I actually look eating like this. I choke just when I was about to have the last bite of my meal. I look for water but unfortunately I forgot to grab one, I'm slowly loosing my breath. I hold my neck and turn to the people near me, desperately asking for water. Until, a bottle of water is presented in front of me. I quickly grab it and jug it down immediately. After emptying the bottle of water that I don't really know where is from, the food that is stuck in my throat is now gone. I sigh in relief, wherever that bottle came from, thank you. "Ahem" someone cleared their throat. While still panting a bit from the choke, I look up to see who the person is, and there standing right in front of me is my friend and also my co-worker Yoona who is giving me a worried look. I smiled quickly at her before speaking. "Hey, you're the one who gave me the water." I stated. "Thank you" I add on. "Taeyeon, are you okay? Are you somehow sick?" She asked me. I tilted my head and look at her wierdly. "No I'm not. I just didn't get to sleep properly is all. Why would you asked?" I asked "Oh, that's why you look like that." She told me. I just stared at her confusedly. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "Oh, ahh, I mean you look like a dead person. Your eye bags are clearly seen and your ahh," she said pointing at me. "What?" I asked irritatedly. "Ahm, how am I going to say this?" She asked herself. "Can't you just say it??" I asked again, I'm running out of patience here, why can't she just spill it? "Okay. Your.." She paused again and point her finger at me. WTH, can't she just fucking say it??! I was about to shout at her when she speak again. "Your blazer, you wore it the wrong way." She said then she look away from me. I look at my self and truthfully, I did wore it the wrong way. I suddenly felt shy, so that's why they are looking at me weirdly. I sighed. "Stupid. Stupid." I whisper to my self. To much embarrassment early in the morning. I need to escape from here. "Ah.. Yoona. I have to go. It's already time. Haha, yeah. So bye." I said and bid her goodbye awkwardly. It's clear that I was trying to escape. I didn't wait for her to answer and immediately stand up and run away from there. Before I exit the cafeteria I heard her shout. "Do put some make up on, taeyeon!" I didn't turn around just walk as fast as I can. How can everything be so damn 'right'? I walked as fast as I could to the ladies room, while doing so I keep on covering my face with my hair. It's embarrassing enough back at the cafeteria and I don't want to display myself like this to anyone anymore. **************************** After that embarrassing moment this morning, I never dare to go out of my office the whole day. I asked my secretary to buy me food and I'm not planning to go out until everyone are home. Signing the last papers that I needed to sign, I look up and check the time in the wall clock. It's already 9. I finish my work early today. Knock* Knock* A knock on the door. "Come in" I said waiting for the door to open. Then my secretary came in. "Miss Kim, aren't you going home yet?" She asked "Not yet. But you can go home now." I told her. "Is it really okay mam?" She asked again. I just nodded my head, 'yes'. "Then I'll go home now miss Kim. See you tomorrow. " she said and left. Being alone like this, I can't help but to think about her again. Sigh. I should go home. Being seen by my colleague after the incident this morning is much better than think about her while waiting for everyone to be home. ****************** It's been a week since she dump me, and the last time we talked is when she called me. Well now, I guess I'm coping well, I will forget her soon enough, atleast I wish. This past few weeks I've been drinking with dad and sooyoung, and I'm glad that they accompany me from this misery. I'm on my way home now from work. Just admiring the beauty of seoul while driving. There aren't much people outside. I wonder what Sica is doing right now. Sigh. Just forget about her taeyeon. Stopping at the red light. I look out the window, just to see a girl walking, or should I say wobbling while walking. What is she doing here at this hour of the night alone? Sigh, she must be a alcohol addict. Wait, I drink alcohol too. Does that mean I'm an alcohol addict too? Well, i don't think so. I just drink to forget. Maybe she has her reasons too. My thought was shortly cut, when the light turn green. I was about to step at the accelerator when the girl suddenly collapse on the sidewalk. "What the." I muttered, shock of what I just saw. I remove my seatbelt and got out of the car, to check if the girl is alright. Reaching her, I laid her on my lap so I can see her face. "Miss, are you okay?" I asked while softly tapping her cheek. I didn't get a response so I bend my head in front of her face to feel her breathing, just to make sure if she's still alive. And good thing she is, but the smell of alcohol is present. "I'm right. She's drunk." I talked to myself. "Now what?" I asked myself again. If someone see me right now, I'm sure they'll think I'm crazy. I saw a bag near her and grab it to check if there is ID or something that could make me know who she is. I saw a phone, but it's dead. And there is nothing in her bag that can identify her. Now what am I going to do? "Miss, wake up." I said while shaking her body but it's no use. So I decided to take her to the police station. She better be there than on the sidewalk, right? I open the door of my car before carrying her bridal style inside. "She's thin but she's heavy." I said panting a bit, while securing the seatbelt on her body. After making sure that she's secure, I enter the car and drove away. On our way to the police station, I can't help but look at her. And I can't deny that she's beautiful. Much beautiful than Sica maybe. I shook my head from right to left to erase the thought. "Just forget about her for Pete's Sake!" I scold myself and sigh. I just drive after that and I didn't talk anymore. We reach the police station not long after. I got out of the car and made my way to the station to asked some assistance from the police officer, because I'm too tired to carry her out. I'm not yet inside, when I heard someone shouting. So I searched for the source of voice, and I then saw a drunk man shouting at the policeman in front of him. "Don't touch me!" The drunk man shouted to the policeman, but the officer didn't lose his grip, instead he hold him even tighter. That got the drunk man even mad. He then grab something in his pocket, and it turn out to be a knife. Seeing the knife, the officer lose his grip. I gasped at the scene. I got scared, so I decided not to do my plan on bringing the drunk girl here. I get back in my car and calm myself. "That's crazy." I said in disbelief. Well, I don't get to see those kind of scenes everyday. I looked at her, snoring while sleeping. "Should I take her home? There's no way I'm leaving her in that place." I talked to myself. "But, what if she's a bad person?" I asked no one. Sigh, I can't leave her though. What if something bad happen to her? The guilt and my conscience will surely kill me. "Just take her home taeyeon." I told my self while looking at the girl in the passenger seat. "Does that face looked like a bad person to you?" I asked myself. "Well not really" I answered. I feel like a psycho right now. "Okay, let's just take her home." I said then drove off. ************************* Not long after, we reach home. I piggyback her as careful as I can to the guest room. "Hea-vy." I muttered, panting hard. She's so freaking heavy. And I still have to carry her upstairs. After like forever, we reached the guest room. And I lay her down slowly, after doing so, I sat on the side of the bed and catch my breath. "Damn girl, you're so heavy." I said to the sleeping girl. I tuck her to bed and left the room to sleep, of course. I change into my pj's then went to my bed, ready to sleep. "I just hope she's not a thief." I said before drifting to sleep. 

 After breaking up with sica, this is the first night that I fall asleep not thinking about her. Instead I'm thinking about the unknown person that is sleeping in my guest room.

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