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"Is she your girlfriend?" I asked soo suddenly feeling nervous.

"Who tiffany?" Soo asked. Tiffany just watched us talk.

"Yes." I said. Crossing my finger in the process, praying that she isn't. I don't know why I'm acting like this. But I did.

"Oh no. She isn't my girlfriend." Soo said and I silently thank god. 'Why are you so glad that she isn't soo's girlfriend taeyeon?' I silently asked myself. I too don't know the answer for that question. Oh god, What's happening to me?

"She is your friend then." I asked just to make sure.

Soo look at me weirdly and said.
"Yeah she is. And wait, how did you know each other by the way?" She asked pointing at me and tiffany.

"Oh, she helped me the other day when I passed out on the side walk." Tiffany explained before I even open my mouth to speak.

"Yeah, that's what happen." I agreed.

"You passed out?" Sooyoung asked tiffany questioningly.

"Yeah, I kinda got myself drunk, so yeah." She elaborated. Soo just nodded understandingly.

"Okay. Anyway wheres sunny tiffany?" Soo asked tiffany.

"Oh, she's with yuri over there. Let's go see them." jessica said pointing at the direction of the bar.

We then made our way to the bar.

Tiffany walking a head of us, I asked soo.
"Who's this sunny?"

"Oh, Sunny is my girlfriend." She said proudly smiling at me. My mouth shaped with an 'o'.

Reaching the bar area, sooyoung get a head of me and approach a girl with short hair.

The girl smiled at her and kiss sooyoung on the chicks. I smiled at the sight.

'They look good together. A giant and a midget.' I thought and laugh in my head. But seriously they look good together.

"Taeyeon." Sooyoung with the girl who's name is sunny approaches me.

"Meet my very beautiful girlfriend, sunny. And sunny meet my little best friend here taeyeon." She introduced us. Sunny giggled and I glared at sooyoung.

"Way to go sooyoung." I said glaring at her.

"I'm sorr...." Soo was about to say something but I shoved her away from her girlfriend.

"Yah!" She shouted but I just ignore her. Sunny too didn't even spare her a glance, probably getting what I'm actually doing.

"Hi sunny-shi. It's nice to finally meet you." I said and reach for her hand then kiss it. She giggled again. I admit that she's beautiful, soo has a good taste.

"It's nice to meet you too taeyeon." She told me, her eyes forming in crescent.

Soo suddenly removed my hand from her girlfriends hand harshly. I smirk.

"That's what you get for teasing me." I said keeping my smirk.

She pushed her girlfriend behind her then spread her long hands in the air like a shield.
"Don't touch my girlfriend." She said possessively.

I just laugh at her antics.
"Okay, okay. I won't touch her. But can I have a word with sunny-shi?" I asked for her approval.

"Taeyeon you don't have to be too formal, just call me sunny." Sunny said from the back.

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