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Few days passed since Taeyeon met Tiffany. 

It's true that she is not yet over jessica, but the meeting with tiffany somehow distracted her from thinking about her ex. 

Tiffany at least once a day pops in her mind. She just couldn't help but remember the cute actions of the girl. 

It's not like she's slowly falling for the girl, she knew it's not like that. She's just glad to meet a new friend who can distract her from thinking about her heartbreaking memories. She still loves jessica, but she's now on the stage of moving on. And her memory with tiffany is helping her, somehow. 


Taeyeons POV

"Yes dad, I'll try. " 
"Okay, okay. I'll do it. Don't worry. I'll be there I promise." 
"Bye." I just finished talking to my dad. He asked me to go home with him tonight. 'I miss having dinner with my daughter' he said, and he won't take no as an answer so I can't decline the offer. I have loads of things to do but I guess I'll put my dad's happiness first. 

After that I focus on my work again. 

Too focus that I didn't notice that I'm not alone inside my office anymore.

"KIM TAEYEON!" Someone shouted that shocked the hell out of me. 

I glared at the person in front me while holding my chest. 
"What the hell!!!" I shouted but the person just shrugged it off. 

I stood up and grab the person by their collar. 
"Why did you do that!?" I exclaimed clutching the fabric tight. 

"Woah. Woah. Why are you so mad?" The person said calmly, holding their hands up as a sign of surrender. 

"Why am I so mad?! Why am I so MAD?!" I asked in rage, keeping my deathliest glare. 

"Okay . Okay. I'm sorry if I scared you. Sorry okay. Let go of me now." The person apologies. I inhaled deeply before letting go. 

"You know sooyoung if you're not my best friend, I must've kill you by now." I told her calming myself. 

"Woah. I'm so glad that I'm your best friend then." She said mockingly. 

"Shut up. Why are you even here?" I asked her and made my way back to my desk still calming myself.

"Dammit, you ruined my favorite sleeves. This is my girlfriends first ever gift to me. " She complain, completely ignoring my question while trying to straighten the crumpled part of the collar of the dress that her so called girlfriend gave to her. Maybe I clutched it too tightly. But, I didn't regret anything I did. 

I rolled my eyes. Averting my attention to the paper works in front of me. 
"Stop complaining idiot. You asked for it." I retract. 

"Yeah, yeah." She said uninterested. 

"Now, answer my question. Why are you here?" I asked without looking. 

"Oh! Yeah! I almost forgot why I'm here." She said chuckling at her own action. 

I just look at her confusedly. 
"Why? Do you have something important to tell?" I asked. She smiled widely at me and wiggle her brows at the same time.

"Will you please stop that. It's creepy." I said looking at her seriously.

"I'm just happy you know." She said smile never left her face.

"And why is that?" I asked. 

"I never introduced my girlfriend to you yet, remember?" She said.

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