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My alarm clock woke me up the next morning. I don't know why I set the alarm, when I don't have work today. It's Sunday.

Well, maybe I forgot.

I feel my body ache like no other. What did I do to feel this way, anyway?

I recall all the things that I did last night.

Let's see. After I finish my work, I went home. On the way, I stop because of the red light and suddenly a girl pass out.

My eyes widen.
"The girls pass out and I took her home! " I exclaimed. Now I remember.

I carried her all the way to the guest room. That's why my body aches this much. It's been a while since I carried something heavy.

I should check if she's awake.

I left my room and made my way to the guest room.

I slowly turn the door knob and walk in without making a sound.

"Why am I acting like this? This is my house for Pete's sake." I whisper to myself but still continue making my way to the bed where the girl is sleeping.

I stared at the sleeping figure on the bed. She's snoring and drooling but still cute.

"Miss." I called out trying to wake her up. But there is no response from her.

I place my hand on her shoulder and shook her lightly.
"Miss wake up." I attempt to wake her up again, but it's no use.

"Sigh... I give up." I muttered softly so I won't wake the sleeping beauty.

I made my way to the kitchen and start preparing breakfast.


While taeyeon is preparing breakfast, the girl in her guest room stirred.

"Ngggg." She stretch her hand up and rubbed her eyes after.

Slowly she opened her eyes, and she look at the ceiling blankly.

'Since when did the ceiling in my room turn blue?' She thought.

Feeling lazy, she close her eyes again and sat herself slowly on the bed. Her head suddenly throbbed badly which cause her to hissed in pain.
"Ouch. I think I drink too much last night" she said holding her head.

She stayed like that for a while before opening her eyes again.

She scanned the whole room, before her eyes widen.
"Shit!" She exclaimed not knowing where she is.
"Who's house is this?" She asked, then a possible scenario of what might have happen pop in her head.

She look down and check if her clothes are still on. And she sighed in relief when she saw them still there.

Not knowing what to do, she decided to just leave without being seen.

She grab her bag that is in the night stand and left the room carefully.

She walk pass taeyeons room then she carefully made her way down the stairs.

She's about to walk to the front door but then a voice stop her.

"Oh! You're awake." Taeyeon said, glad that the girl is already awake. Cause she's actually about to wake the girl up.

The girl then turn around to face taeyeon who is smiling at her.
"Ahh.. Yeah, ahm hi." She said awkwardly and wave her hand to taeyeon.

"I-is this your ahm house?" She asked nervously. Cause obviously, she don't know who's the person in front of her.

"Ahh. Yeah . You pass out on the sidewalk last night. I'm actually planning to leave you in the police station but there's a terrible commotion there so I decided to take you home instead." Taeyeon explained to the girl.

The girl suddenly felt shy and thankful at the same time.
"Thank you for your generosity. I don't know what might've happen to me if you didn't help me." She thank taeyeon sincerely.

Taeyeon smiled at her before speaking.
"You're very welcome. But now that you're awake, do you mind joining me for breakfast?" She asked expectantly, waiting for the other girl to answer.

"Ahm, I'm okay. I'm not really hungry...." The girl was about to decline the offer but then a growling stomach is heard. The girl silently curse her stomach for embarrassing her and she smiled shyly at taeyeon.

Taeyeon giggled a bit.
"Your tummy is against you though. And to be honest, I won't take no as an answer. Let's just say that it's your pay back, because I help you last night." Taeyeon said smiling sweetly at the girl who blushed seeing the smile taeyeon is giving her.

"So, can we eat now?" Taeyeon asked the girl who suddenly went silent. The girl just nodded her head as an answer.

"Okey then. Follow me." Taeyeon lead her to the dining area.

"I hope you don't mind eating fried rice, omelet and bacon." She said expectantly.

"Not at all. I like it actually." the girl answered and smiled, taeyeon sighed in relief.

"Sit down and eat. Don't be shy." Taeyeon assured the girl.

The other person then slowly sat down and start eating. Taeyeon just watch her, finding the actions of the girl cute.

"So, how was it?" Taeyeon asked, the girl just stared at her confusedly.

"The food." Taeyeon said pointing at the food.

The girl chewed her food before answering.
"It's great. It's been a long time since I ate something like this." She answered truthfully.

"Really? Why is that?" Taeyeon asked curiously.

"Mom always make this when I'm still with her." She answered, eating another spoonful of rice.

"You're not with your mom anymore?" Taeyeon asked and the girl shook her head 'no'.

"She's in LA. I'm here in korea to study." She said, taking a bite of omelet.

"Your American?" Taeyeon asked.

"Not really. I'm korean, but I was born and grew up on LA. " she explained.

"I see. But you can always cook, you know." Taeyeon said as a matter of factly.

"I actually don't know how to cook." The girl shyly confess. Taeyeon had a hard time controlling herself from pinching the girl who is being cute in front of her.

"Cute." Taeyeon whispered. But the other person catch it.

"I'm sorry, did you say something?" She asked.

Taeyeon just shook her head.
"No, nothing. Just continue eating" said taeyeon who also started eating.

The whole breakfast was spent with the girl eating cutely and taeyeon staring at her from time to time.


After the breakfast the girl decided to leave.

They are now standing in front of taeyeon's door.

"Are you sure you don't want me to send you home?" Taeyeon asked, worried for the girls safety.

"No, it's fine. You did so much for me already. I'll just ride a taxi." The girl said.

"Okay then. Be careful on your way, alright." Taeyeon said. The girl nodded and walk away, but she stop after 3 steps.

She turn around and face taeyeon.
"Ahm, what's your name again?" She asked taeyeon.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm taeyeon, Kim Taeyeon. And you're?"

"Tiffany, Tiffany hwang. Thank you for the food and for letting me stay last night." Tiffany thank taeyeon while smiling beautifully at her, before leaving.

Taeyeon just stood there. Staring at the space where Tiffany is previously standing.
"Tiffany, what a lovely name." Taeyeon said , smile never leave her face.

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And don't forget to voteeee!! *o*
Kamsahamnidaaaa ~

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