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Taeyeon and sunny are now standing side by side on the balcony their hands on the railing, silence engulfing them. 

Sunny glanced at taeyeon who is being mute all of a sudden and is looking ahead of them blankly. 

"Taeyeon." Sunny called out. But taeyeon remained still. 

"Taeyeon are you okay?" Sunny asked shaking taeyeon's body. 

Taeyeon then snap from her deep thoughts and look at sunny.
"Sunny, what is it?" She asked.

"Are you okay? We're suppose to talk here, but it seems that you are not planning to talk at all." She said concern about taeyeon's odd actions.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that. Something just came to my mind. Don't worry I'm fine." Taeyeon assured her. 

"Are you sure?" Sunny asked knitting her brows together.

"Yeah, I'm sure." Taeyeon convinced and smiled at sunny. 

"So, what are we going to talk about?" Sunny asked. 

"Oh, I just want to make sure that you won't hurt my best friend." Taeyeon said looking straight to sunny's eyes. 

"Well, I can assure you about that." Sunny confidently said. 
"I love her too much to even hurt her." She continued. 

Taeyeon smiled hearing that.
"Good to know. She's been through a lot of heart breaks, and I hope that you're already the one for her. You've changed her a lot in a good way of course, and that only means she loves you so much." Taeyeon said looking a head of them again. 

"I know. And I promise you that I will never ever hurt her. Except, when the time she cheated on me comes." Sunny chuckled. She knows sooyoung won't do that to her. 

"Don't worry I know she won't." Taeyeon assured her. 
"That's all that I want to say. You should go back in. She's waiting for you." Taeyeon added. 

"Hmm. I'll go now. It's nice talking to you taeyeon, we should do that often, since we're friends already right?" Sunny asked. 

"Yeah. And it's nice talking to you too." Taeyeon smiled at her. 

"Then I'm going back inside. Are going to stay here?" 

"Yes, I'll stay here for a moment. Tell sooyoung that I'll call her before leaving." Taeyeon said and face sunny.

"You're going already?" The short haired girl asked. 

"Yeah, I still have work tomorrow so I need to go home early." She said as an excuse to get away from there. Because actually tomorrow is Sunday and it's her day off. 

But 'I'd rather go home now than see Tiffany being all sweet with her girlfriend. Doing that, I'm like killing myself already.' She thought. 

"Okay. I'll see you next time then." sunny said smiling at taeyeon.

"Yeah, see you." She bid her goodbye then sunny turn around and left. 

She again look at the view of the city again.
"Sigh... What to do?" She asked herself for the nth time, not knowing what to do anymore. 

She fished out her phone from her pocket and called sooyoung.

"Soo, I'll go home now. No, you don't need to. Just stay with your girlfriend. I'm fine don't worry. Yeah, I'm sure. See you, bye." Then she hung up. 

She stayed there for a couple more minutes before she decided to go home.

Reaching home she immediately took a bottle of beer in her fridge and got herself drunk. 

It's the only way she can escape from pain. Even if it's just temporary at least she forgot for a while. 

2 days passed since taeyeon decided to back down and forget whatever she feels for tiffany. 

She still don't get how she have feelings for Jessica in just short period of time, but knowing that she don't even stood a chance she decided to just let it go and move on. AGAIN. 


Time to go home again after a tiring day at work. 

I'm currently driving my way home. And times like this, my mind always drift off to the time jessica left me and knowing that tiffany is taken. 

I keep asking myself if where did I go wrong? 
Why are all this painful things happening to me? 

"Am I not worth it?" I silently asked myself sadly. I've been asking the same thing since the night I met Tiffany with her girlfriend.
Sure my mom, dad and my best friend sooyoung told me that I'm worth it. 
But dammit! I don't want to live like this anymore. 
I've had enough of this painful love-life of mine. 

Looking at the traffic light, I saw the light turned red. So I stopped the car.

I suddenly remember something. This scene is familiar. 
"Right. Tiffany." I said chuckling bitterly at the memory. 

This scene could've been the same to that night. Only tonight there is no Tiff.... 

My thought cut when I glanced at the side mirror. 
There's a girl on the bus stop and she looks like...
"Tiffany?" I called out while looking at the side mirror intently to see if it's really Tiffany.

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