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I heard gun shots from downstairs.

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

They were loud for my ten year old ears. I ran to the safe room and locked the door. There were about ten of the rooms in the manor. Each one in a bedroom and one in the living room.

I heard my mother and father screams from below. They were cut short by thick silence and the firing stopped.

I raised my gloved hand to my mouth and felt the tears fall from my eyes. I heard rustling from outside the safe room's door that led to my bedroom.

The doors were hidden inside of the closets with a bathroom and food to last a year, that were changed every month. Of course they have never have been used until that day my parents died. I hear the closet door slam open and more rustling.

I instantly stopped breathing and I felt like nothing was happening. The rustling was now outside of the room door. Then of course the metal bang happened.

"Oh what do we have here?" A raspy voice sounded from the other side of the door.

I was relieved that it had a lock on the door. It hit me hard.

I am so stupid! I forgot to lock the door.

The door handle started to turn. I blew out the candle lighting the room and made way to the wall that was behind the door.


The door slowly opened to reveal a man in all black. He stepped inside the room. He looked around but, somehow managed to not spot me.

He went out of the room but I didn't even dare to move a muscle.

He exited my room completely and went to another room. I slowly crept to my bedroom window and looked outside. I saw nothing but a car.

I opened the window and stepped onto my roof. Before doing so I grabbed a bag with emergency rations to take with me. It included money, food, a canteen of water, a pocket knife and  last but not least, a pistol.

I needn't anything else. I used the emergency ladder and climbed down. I escaped to the woods and hiked to town.

When I got to town my water canteen was three quarters full. The sun had now risen above the horizon and my dress was dirtied and torn in several places.

I went to the building my parents bought for cases like these. I ran to the room that was mine and got a bath and dress ready for me.

I had bathed and dressed and went out to the Scotland Yard.

When upon my arrival a guard escorted me to the head of police. I explained what had happened and what I did.

They saw the scrapes and bruises on my face and arms and they had instantly believed me.

They knew who I was and then I became the head of the L/n family. I was an only child. My mother was expecting though. I was the heir of everything anyway so I was very fine.

My family was definitely on the top ten richest families in all of England.

We owned a tea company and shipping company. We had everything we could want or need.

I could protect my self for one reason. If I had a weapon or not I was deadly.

Play nice, after all you don't want to mess with a wolf when they are angry.

Alright guys so this is my new book! Oh my lord how much I loved writing this. I think this will be fun because I just love Ciel and Black Butler in general! Ok so I'm gonna shut up now and retire to bed!😅 Oh god I like writing in this rule it's so much fun! Okie Baiiii!!!!


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