Chapter 2

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When I arrived at the funeral there were a lot of people. The one person that stood out like a sore thumb was Ciel. I haven't seen Ciel in years.

He was up by the casket locking down at his passed betrothed. He didn't look happy. His features have gotten more mature since I last saw him, which was right after my parents were murdered.

My stomach turned at the sight of the event. This has been the biggest social even I've been to in the past five years. When ever I've been invited I would say yes, arrive at the event, then start having an anxiety attack, and end up leaving.

I couldn't ditch this one. I walked my way up to the casket where Ciel was.

Everything started to grow quite. The only thing that could be heard was breathing a whisper or two and my heels clicking on the floor. The veil I was wearing covered most of my neutral features.

I started to get light headed and dizzy. My maid had my arm and was leading me up the stairs. I reached the casket and inside was my previous best friend.

'Lizzy' Midford. I stumbled back a little. My breathing hitched. Who could possibly murder such a nice young girl. I haven't even known this was Ciel's betrothed.

I regained my balance and stabled my breathing. I was changing. I quickly turned to my maid shot a glare and ran out of the church.

I wasn't very lady like as I probably should be. I didn't even talk to Ciel. I probably should've. I reached the out side and started running for the woods. Once I reached them I ran a little more into them.

I stopped to quickly throw off my dress. I also took off the corset.

When finished doing everything I was already fully a wolf. I dashed into the distance and reached a stream. My h/c fur was blowing in the wind. I guess it was a warm day. I mean at least for April.

I played by the steam and started howling and whimpering. I let out all of the emotions. Most people took me for being emotionless and nonchalant.

That was never the case. I could be the most emotional person you've ever met but, I deceived everyone to believe I wasn't.

I started to hear foot steps and running. I tried to control the howling.

I couldn't. I turned and what greeted me made me regret leaving the church.

It was a group of hunters. They saw me howling and everything. I started growling at them and all that fun stuff. I always liked making hunters nervous.

What I didn't know was the thing behind me. I was about to launch at them and make them run like the wind when a gruesome pain filled one of my legs. I never felt pain unless it was something of silver.

I whined and saw a fork. I turned and saw a hellish beast. A demon. Well why me of all people.

I didn't launch at the hunters but, I did start to run home. I didn't use the leg that was ruined. Instead I held it up and let my three other limps carry me home.

I reached my manor and pawed the door. I knew that the demon was still following by instinct. My maid greeted me and let me in.

She saw the fork and panicked. She quickly pulled it out which made my life so much easier. I started changing back to my regular form once I reached my bedroom.

My maid helped me into a dress and corset. When Kimber finished dressing me I told her to prepare lunch.

In the mean time I went to my study and did some paperwork for about 10 minutes.

*Knock knock*

"Come in," I acknowledged.

"Miss lunch is ready," Kimber announced.

"Ok," I said with a soft smile.

Kimber walked me to the dining room.

"Hello Camellia!" I say with a cheerful tone.

"Hello ma'am," she greeted.

I ate my lunch and my maid told me that we'd have a guest tomorrow morning.

"Who?" I asked Kimber.

"Earl Ciel Phantomhive, Miss," she answered.

I slowly turned my head to Kimber. My hands started shaking. No. My whole body started to shake. I felt my self changing.

I launched myself towards the stairs and, I went to my room. I changed and flopped on my bed.

I eventually fell into a deep slumber in my wolf form.

Okie so I dunno what I just wrote. I quickly wrote it because I'm late for posting. I wrote like half of it yesterday. I'm sorry. It's crap. Now baiiii!


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