Chapter 3

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Sorry for not posting for like a long time. I've just been busy with school and friends. I might post another book for any girls part of the HOO fandom. I also might just post that after getting one of my current books done. Now on to teh storeh.

~The next morning~

I wake up in my human form and found myself on the floor. I propped myself up and sat there for a minute thinking how I might deal with Earl Phantomhive.

Oh my lord what will I do? How will the meeting go? Why does he need to come here?! Doesn't he have something better to do? Why can't he leave me in peace and come maybe next year or the the year after that? Oh well I guess life doesn't like me very much.

After just sitting there for thirty seconds I broke out of the vortex of swirling questions. I went into my closet cause I don't need my maid to do everything plus I wanted her to have some free time today after. Ciel leave my manor.

I decided to wear a light pink(sorry if you hate link (Future Desi here so umm I'm gonna leave link there cause it is funny has hell. I meant to put pink there...)I was just lazy and thought teh dress up there looked pretty decent) dress. I put put it on and I looked in the mirror. I went down stairs and went to the kitchen. I saw Camillia and asked her to make some f/b/f(favorite breakfast food).

When she finished my maid came into the kitchen and smiled," Miss the young earl is here."

I nodded and walked to the foyer. I saw Ciel and his butler. They seemed to be whispering to each other. I came out and my heel clacked on the marble.

"Hello Ciel, how are you this morning?" I greeted.

"I am fine, nice to see you again,
Y/n, and how are you?" He asked with a small fake smile.

"I'm fine as we-" I got cut off by the growling coming from my stomach.

I smiled a very embarrassed smile so it looked like I had gotten very high( And flew on rainbows). I laughed the same way as how I smiled minus the slurring of course.

"Have you eaten yet?" I asked Ciel.

"Actually, I haven't yet today,"he replied.

"Would you like some f/b/f?" I asked quietly

"Yes, that would be fine," he agreed.

Oh my god how am I talking so normally? He is just so comfortable to be around, I guess at least.

As we walked to the dining room I some how tripped over my foot. I was expecting impact, but that never came instead I found my self in Ciel's arms.

I looked up to see his one blue eye. I found myself lost in it. The blue orb was so full of emotion, yet there wasn't any at all. I couldn't get out of my trance until I found myself somehow blink.

The smell of him was quite odd than most human boys. It smell like new moon drop tea (I think that's what it is). It can't be possible though. I thought only were wolves can drink it.(I know this isn't true but for the sake of my story I'm putting this in). No it can't be.

I looked away and told him to follow me. We finally got to the room and. Kimber and Camillia shot their heads at Ciel and Sebastian.(They are also werewolves(Camillia and Lumber btw)). They must have noticed it to. We sat down and almost instantly Camillia served us and shot a warning glance at me.

Oh my he wasn't one of them. Poor Ciel he won't get to see how beautiful the world is. I have a feeling that butler of his did this him. Ciel didn't have the smell of a demon when we were younger and I haven't seen him since basically when my parents died.

They probably know my secret now. Well at least Sebastian does. Maybe not Ciel. I saw Kimber stride over to Sebastian and start talking to him. I think she told him to follow her to the living room. Ahh how Kimber probably hates his guts.

I saw them walk towards the doors that lead to the living room. I looked up to Ciel who was staring at me. He was about to speak but I looked at my food and spoke first.

"How has everything been since I saw you last time before the funeral?" I ask him. I look back up to him as I get a fork full of f/b/f.

"Um pretty good actually, apart from Elizabeth dying of course," he said quietly and looked down to his food and took a bite. His face flashed disgust for a split second and then went back to normal. I smirked.

"What's so funny?" He asked me.

"Oh you know you don't like human food," I replied and looked him in the eye.

His face flashed shock.

"What? This is impeccable! What kind of joke is this?!" He demanded screaming at me.

"Oh Ciel don't pay dumb with me," I told him.

"What do you mean don't pay dumb with me?!" He ordered still yelling at me.

"What I mean is that I know you're a demon, so what do you want here? To take away my soul? Make a contract with me? What do you really want from me Ciel?" I questioned him.

He mumbled something inaudible to me.

"What did you say Ciel?" I asked him.

"I said I want you to be my new betrothed!"he screamed.

Shock flashed across my face. My eyes then flared with anger.

"You can't just come and ask a girl to marry you when you barely know them!" I screeched.

He slumped down in his chair. Shit! He riled me up. I have to get out side pronto. I ran outside then door and into the woods. I changed into my wolf form and ripped the dress I was wearing. Oh well I didn't like it very much. It was to pink.

I ran along the woods and decided to take a break for about an hour and just played their silent watching the creatures and wind blow throw the grass amd trees.

After about another two hours I went back home and went to the shed. I put on my spare clothes and went back inside. The dress looked exactly the same. Kimber makes sure I have two of everything so when I wear it it won't look weird that I walked outside and came back in wearing something different.

I saw that Ciel and Sebastian had left. I went upstairs and changed into a night gown that went to my knees. I slipped under the covers and had a dreamless sleep.

Hey guys so it has been forever since I have last updated this book. I can't make my s schedule work so I'm just gonna try to post once a week. I've had writers block on this story but not really. I had no motivation to write is and have been busy busting my ass for school and my home. So here is the new update.


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