Chapter 1

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5 years later...

I had just gotten news that an old friend's betrothed had died. I got an invitation to the funeral.

I decided to go because hadn't had anything planned on the day. It was in a week so I decided to go to the shoppes to buy a mourning dress.

I called my maid to get the carriage ready. I got dressed in a dress with mostly black but purple alone the sides.

My maid helped me put on my corset and the dress and helped me to the carriage.

We had arrived at the shoppes when a boy with blonde hair ran into me as I stepped out of the carriage.

I fell on to the steps and groaned. My maid jumped off of the front and helped me up. I turned to the boy.

"What the hell do you think your doing?! Next time watch were you run!" I shouted at the guilty boy.

"I'm sorry miss," he bowed and ran off again.

I stared and started for the dress shop. I browsed many dresses but, none of them were my type or they were way to colored. I finally found a dress. It was all black.

It was perfect for the funeral. I had bought it and went back to my manor. I went to my room and hung up my dress. I took off my dress that dirtied a little from the boy.

I feel a little bad for yelling at him but, he must learn his lesson or it will keep happening.

I changed out of my clothes and put on a nightgown. I went outside and changed into my wolf form.

I went into the woods and found a group of hunters surrounding what looked like a girl no more than eight years old. I listened in on their conversing.

"What a pretty little thing like you doing out here?" One of the hunters asked.

"I was following my friend Alex. Now would you please move he is behind you and wants me to continue on sirs," she replied.

I looked behind the men and saw nothing. Oh my lord what is this girl doing I leaped behind the men as they turned around so they didn't think she was a Looney bin.

They turned and nearly fainted. I wasn't that big I was about as big as any normal wolf. I looked around and scampered off again.

I ran along with the wind and felt the crisp nighttime air. It felt wonderful along my h/c fur. I sniffed the air and came to a halt. I smelled something different. It was strong and different. It felt otherworldly.

The smell came closer and closer to me. I turned to see a wolf that was about five times bigger than me in front of me. He had white fur and red eyes.

I stood there in awe. He was familiar to me in some ways. I didn't know how but, I knew I've met him before. I sniffed him and looked  around. I saw a blonde boy running towards us.

It was the same boy from earlier. He was shouting at us for some reason.

"Pluto! Come here boy we have to get home!" The boy called. I looked at the other wolf and told him to obey him and go.

"You don't seem like a regular wolf," Pluto stated.

"You're right I'm not a regular wolf. You must leave now, see you some other time," I told and ran home.

Once I reached my manor I changed back into my human form.

Once in my form my nightgown reappeared on me. I silently crept to my room.

I looked out the window and saw the wolf again. He looked at me and turned around and ran off into the distance of the forest around my manor.

I climbed into my bed and fell asleep into a dreamless slumber.


I woke up at about 8 AM. I called my maid and she bathed and dressed me. I went down stairs to have breakfast soon after bathing and changing.

"Hello mistress," Camellia, my cook, greeted me down stairs.

"Good morning Camellia. What is for breakfast this morning?" I greeted and asked.

"We have French toast with a side of a fruit parfait and Earl grey tea!" She chirped.

"Sounds very delicious Camellia," I complimented her. She knows this is my favorite breakfast.

Kimber, my maid, walked over to me and said the carriage is almost ready.

I finished eating and thanked Camellia.

I called Kimber and she changed me into the mourning dress I bought yesterday.

After changing my maid took me to the carriage and we set off to the church for the funeral.

Hello my shadows it is I! So I have finally finished chapter 1! Now please don't ask how i miraculously changed my writing style kinda. I am still writing my Jeffo book but I have decided to make a new book! I am very much a Ciel fan. I am in love with him and I don't care. The one thing I love about him is that he's just him and went through a lot. So I've made this book! Alright so I'm gonna go to something else now! I will also make a schedule for posting on my update book. Go check it out and I'ma gonna go now!


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