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I was born to the japanese mother and american father, Tsugumi Chinen, and Travis Colby in Pensacola, Florida Febuary 28, 2001. in a Navy Hospital. Though I do not know much about my birth, my mom does heavily complain about the scar I left across her stomach as she had to have a C-Section in order for me to have be born. The story goes, my big head would just not come out the "regular" way so you can imagine how that went. I was born at night which may be the cause of my very messed up sleep schedule. My dad at the time was an enlisted "soldier" in the Navy. Enlisted meaning, he did not have a college education going into the military. My dad actually was a high school dropout. He dropped out the 10th grade because when he moved from Pittsburgh to Tampa, his grades from the 9th grade did not transfer over. This meant he would have to repeat his 9th grade year. Being the impatient teenager he was, he decided to dropout and take a test to get his GED. The GED is basically a plaque that has the equivalent worth of a diploma. Crazy enough he did it once he turned 17. And at age 18 he enlisted in the ranks of the military, following his fathers footsteps. My dad never really told me why he went this route, only that he wanted to show his father that he was just as capable as his brothers. I for one feel that's a dumb reason to let your dreams go to waste. My dad originally wanted to be a pilot. It was his dream. He wanted to sail thousands of feet above the world and look down on us almost as if he were protecting us. Instead, he is a nurse, stuck in his office caring for strangers. He never wanted that, but its the role that was given to him by society, by the military. He doesn't complain about it, but I can see in his eyes that he wishes to go back to the crossroads where he made that decision; military or civilian life.

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