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Uncertainty. It's the phenomenon in which you are not sure of something. Uncertainty erupts when you want to know something, but you just do not have the information to validate your idea. Or, you could be denying the truth. Either case I find myself uncertain of everything. Is it so certain that my life is going in the direction I want it? Is it certain that the sun will rise tomorrow? Is it certain that many of the "truths" are even truths? It is not certain. People can tell you and try to reassure you that those truths are truths. But all truths are not certain. You can look at it from any perspective. Nothing is certain. But even so in that uncertainty is a grey area. A grey area between certainty and uncertainty that only exists if you trust it to be there. It is certain because it is claimed to be the truth, but it is uncertain because it may not be the truth. Only you can decide to trust it to be true, or not. So this brings me to my case. Trust is the gamebreaker when it comes to deciding between certainty and uncertainty. Sometimes trust can backstab you. Other times trust can get you things you couldn't have without it. But it is always going to be up to you to decide upon that. Me, I require the decision to uphold for the latter. But hey, trust don't seem all that bad. I think I'll try it out and see how it goes.

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