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Do you have a dream? Aspirations? What lengths will you go to make those dreams a reality? Are you willing to take a risk against all odds for a chance? Once in my life, my answer would've been a swift yes. That all changed when I had a sitdown with my dad. My dad is a realist. He doesn't believe in pursuing careers that come with risk or heavy competition such as a singer or pro-athlete. So when I told him I thought about being a writer, I was laughed at. Him being ex-military also doesn't help my case at all. Whenever we sit down and talk about my future, the first option we discuss is the military. I however, would not like to join that life. I'd like to have a civillian life free of rough work routine no matter how beneficial it is. But then again, he is my dad. He does have years of life experience over me. He knows what he is talking about. This is the only reason I even consider the military. Sometimes, I just want to move so far away from my parents so that they can't make decisions for me. Maybe go to Maine or something and live alone doing what I love. But maybe I need to grow up and look at the reality. He's right. The military is a safe, and beneficial area to place my bets. It's probably the rebellious teenager in me, but I don't want to follow the path paved for me by my dad.

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