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So being multi-racial is a severe problem for me. The rumors about identity crisis in multi-racial kids is quite true, at least for me. I am half japanese, half american by blood. And as much as I want to call myself just one or the other, I can't. Because it's not true. When I turn 18, I will have to make a decision. Currently I am a dual-citizen in Japan, and the United States. On Febuary 28, 2019, I will have to chose one or the other. My mom, seems to want me to keep my japanese one but how can I? I've lived in the US most of my life and it's my home. My mom currently lives in the US with a green card and she plans to move back to Japan after my sister graduates college. I don't want to leave her, but it is a reality I'm going to have to bite. But man, I also consider Japan my home. How do I make a decision I don't want to make? It isn't like I can't ever come to Japan but it just isn't the same without a citizenship. How can I call myself Japanese if I'm not even a citizen of its country? I can't.

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