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I had everything set up and ready to go. Tonight was Harry and I's 7th anniversary.

Usually it was Harry that always set up the extravagant decorations and poor choices
of food. But tonight it was my turn. Because tonight topped all the other anniversaries.

Tonight, I'm going to propose to the love of my life.

I cant believe I feel in love with someone who likes kale. I shook my head while grinning to myself.

"Ah, what a dumbass." I said while biting into a Dorito.

I immediately spit the chip out of my mouth before I could have another taste. You've got to be shitting me.

Fucking kale chips.

I mean I should have known. Doritos aren't green you dumb fuck!

After rinsing out my mouth in the sink, I turned off the faucet and glanced at the clock.



Harry called earlier to tell me he would be home by 7:00.

I didn't panic. Harry's always late.

"I'll be home by 7:00 sharp." I mimicked his voice in a much lower tone. Ah Louis, you are one intelligent shithead. I had everything set up. I had my speech, my tux, (which I should probably put on soon) and my ring.

Oh shit.

My ring.

The ring that I am now griping in my hand is in fact, not the ring I will give my future husband.

But instead, it's a ring that I've kept with me ever since I found it on the floor of a bathroom in a subway.

I mean hey! They're sandwiches might not be the shit, but their bathroom definitely is!

Fuck! I'm such a fucking moron! How could I forget to buy a ring for my fucking boyfriend?

I walked in paces while my hands kept increasing their amount of sweat by the second.

That's it! Ill go to the jewlery shop real quick. Like I said, Harry's always late.

I went to grab the keys on the coffee table, but instead stopped in my tracks.

I gave Harry my wallet.

"Go treat yourself love." I said while giving Harry a quick kiss.

"Louis, I think we both agreed that you're not my sugar dadd-" Harry attempted to finish his sentence as I kept trying to push him out the door.

"Please, just buy a fucking carrot if you want! Just buy anything please!" I pleaded as I began to work up a sweat.

Suddenly I stopped struggling. Because there was nothing to push other than the 5'11 man that apparently wasn't trying to get back in.

"Anything?" Harry asked with a mischievous grin as he leaned against the door.

Literally one word and I'm already fucking hard.

"Yeah, I just said that." I said quickly while trying to hide my boner from Harry.

This was already too embarrassing.

"Alright I'll be back b-" He stopped mid sentence and I heard a chuckle.

"Literally one word." Harry said, as if he could read my mind.

"Get the fuck out sweetie!" I yelled while blushing and trying to wipe the sweat off my forehead.

Why the fuck am I sweating so much?

"Why are you yelling at me Louis? Are you afraid that I might see your boner? Hmm? Because I already did and it's increasing holy shi-" Harry was once again be pushed out the door by me.

"Can I touch it?" Harry said with a pout.

Stay strong Louis, you can't let Harry always get his wa-

"Okay, let's make this quick." I said.

"Eye eye captain!" Harry said while his ran his tongue over my tip.

Jesus, I could feel his-

"Disgusting behavior!"

We both stopped and looked up to where the voice came from.

Shit, we left the door open again.

"Do you have any idea how many families with children haved moved out because of thi- this inappropriate behavior that only Satan will allow? Hmm?"

We both shook our heads.

"At least do it in somewhere private!" Mrs. Erin yelled as she pointed at my exposed dick.

"Young man stand up!" She said while pointing to Harry, who still had his tongue on my dick.

"Sorry Mrs. Erin, we are ashamed." Harry said while wiping his hand on his mouth to get of my juices.

"Next time you do this, I will call a priest! Because unlike you sinners, I have faith in what I believe in! And I believe that terrorizing your neighbors is a sin! Do you boys understand?" Mrs. Erin asked as Harry and I viscously nodded out heads.

"Good. Because if I see you boys commit another sinful act like this, you will be kicked out at once! Understand? Hmm?" Mrs. Erin questioned again as she took our nods for an answer and left our apartment.

"Well shit."

Shit! Even a fucking flashback was enough to get me hard once again.

can someone help me fix my sleep schedule thanks.

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