Day 7

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Jamie picked up (Y/N)s computer, wiped the cloth under it, then placed it back down next to her bed. He moved on to the table on his side of the bed, picking up a few magazines and wiping the cloth, before putting them down. He picked up the cleaner bottle, and walked into the bathroom to clean the shower and mirrors.

(Y/N) was out getting groceries, and he had promised himself that he would clean the house for her. He didn't often have time to do this sort of thing, but he had finished up all of his projects for the week and he had free time. Jamie was just about done wiping down the countertops in the bathroom when he heard a *ding* sound. Immediately recognizing it as (Y/N)'s computer he went to check it. No surprise, it was a message from Mark. Jamie shrugged, picking up her laptop and signing into the chatting function. "I might as well answer since I know that he spams her when she doesn't respond. Save him the trouble. And my ears."


markimoo: hey (Y/N). guess what?

randomchick: I am sorry but (Y/N) isn't here right now.

markimoo: what?

randomchick: Yeah, she's getting groceries.

markimoo: you must be Jamie then, right?

randomchick: yes.

markimoo: well... uh, nice to meet you.

randomchick: Likewise.


randomchick: I have a question for you.

markimoo: go ahead

randomchick: Do you have a girlfriend? Uh, (Y/N) hasn't specified

markimoo: no.

randomchick: Ok

markimoo: the last girlfriend i had cheated on me with our neighbor. then, she stole some of my stuff and attemped to take my dog with her when i dumped her.

randomchick: I'm sorry

markimoo: me too


randomchick: (Y/N)'ll be home soon. You can talk to her then.

markimoo: ok. nice meeting you.

randomchick: Yeah

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