Day 8

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markimoo: once there was a cat.

randomchick: Ooh! I love these stories!

markimoo: he liked trees.

markimoo: climbing in them, specifically.

randomchick: K

markimoo: like, a lot.

randomchick: I see

markimoo: so one day the cat climbs up into the biggest tree in his yard.

randomchick: good for him

markimoo: and he gets stuck.

randomchick: Oh no!

markimoo: yes, very unfortunate.

markimoo: but anyway...

markimoo: the cat tries to get down every way it can. But to no avail. Finally, after days of being stuck in this super tall tree...

randomchick: He has to jump.

markimoo: he has to jump.

randomchick: Called it

markimoo: so he jumps.

markimoo: and he starts falling

markimoo: and he falls

markimoo: and he falls

markimoo: and he falls

randomchick: WOW. This is a tall tree.

markimoo: great observation.

markimoo: and he falls some more, down into darkness and depression and despair.

randomchick: sad kitty

markimoo: and you know what happens?

randomchick: what?! what?! Tell meeeeee!!!


markimoo: you catch him.

randomchick: gasp, I'm in this story?!

markimoo: yes. And so am I. The cat's name is Mark.


markimoo: i just wanted to tell you (Y/N), that no matter how far i set the bar for myself, no matter how high i force myself to go... you appear. when i stumble, you help me to my feet. when i feel alone, you cheer me up. you are so important to me... and i just want to thank you.


markimoo: you are always there to catch me when i fall

(Y/N) stared at the glowing laptop screen. It illuminated her bedroom, and everything in it. It lit up her side table, where a barely empty coke was sitting. It shed light on the sleeping form of Jamie, who had went limp two hours before. The light even reached the floor, where her clothing and shoes lay scattered across the large room. But most importantly, it brightened her face.

Where a small blush and a giant grin sat, in the blueish glow.

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