Aunty Alex

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Alex's phone rang and she glanced at the ID

Kara's hot wife

Alex knew Kara did this when she had saved Lena's number a few months ago

Alex giggled and answered the phone

"Hi Kara's hot wife"

"Uhm okay?" Lena said and Alex snorted

"Hi Lena what's up?"

Lena chewed her lip anxiously and Alex waited

"Well Luthor?"

"Can you please please watch Ryan tonight? It's just that it's our anniversary and we haven't really spent time together ever since he was born and I want to treat Kara and spend time with her and please"

Alex laughed at Lena's ramble


"I mean that's if you want but it would- WAIT YOU SAID YES" Lena basically yelled in Alex's ear and all Alex could think was she is defninetly spending too much time with Kara

"Yes I'll babysit"

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, Alex! You're the bestest sister in law ever thank you! I love you, I love you!"

"Yeah yeah Luthor I love you too see you later"

When Alex arrived at the apartment Lena opened the door wearing a red dress that fit her perfectly

Lena hugged Alex and Alex whispered into her ear
"You look beautiful"

Lena pulled away with a blush and a smile grew on her face as Kara joined her side with Ryan in her arms

"Hey sis" Kara said with a smile, looking equally as beautiful as Lena in a sexy black number

"Hey Kara you look beautiful"

The couple showed Alex where everything was she needed to take care of Ryan

"You have our numbers if you have any problems pleaaase call" Kara pleaded and Alex just chuckled

"We'll be fine, you two just enjoy your date" Alex said with a smirk and both women blushed deeply

They hugged Alex goodbye and kissed Ryan's forehead finally leaving for their date

Alex cradled the little human in her hands and smiled at him

He was a beautiful little boy with Lena's dark hair and Kara's blue eyes. A mixture of his moms and the most beautiful little human ever

"Hey baby" Alex whispers, the softest smile playing on her lips as she met his blue hues

"You're perfect" she mumbles and she kisses his forehead

For the next few hours Alex spent her time giggling and laughing with her little nephew

Tired, she collapsed on the couch and pulled him onto her chest

"I love you Ryan. You make your mommies very happy and when you're old enough Aunty Alex will train you to fight and no matter what you like, boy or girl I will make sure they don't hurt my little dude" she whispered and drifted off to sleep with him on her chest

That's how Kara and Lena found them and they couldn't help but smile at the adorable scene

Kara quickly snapped a pic to remember the adorable scene

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