That Girl

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His name was Kyle, Kyle Davis. The most good looking guy in school he was a Senior at Springfield High School, he was also my neighbour. Kyle and I are not really friends but we know who each other are, his name is Kyle and my name is Eliza, that's it that's all we need to know about each other nothing else...but I wish I new more about him, i wish I  could talk to him. But I can't I mean who could ever want to talk to a girl like me? Who could ever love a girl like me? I'm ugly and all the kids at school know it. I have black hair, brown eyes with bags under them, pimples all over my face I'm just ugly ugly I mean why does it matter anyway Kyle has a girlfriend. The most beautiful girlfriend ever I wish I was her I really do wish, sometimes I see her going into Kyle's house she would stay there all day till  midnight. Sometimes I think what they do all day arnt her parents wored? Probley not there probley out having fun themselves heh. I don't know her name but I think it starts with a B, but I just call her Kyle's girlfriend or "Kyle's ex girlfrand" but that's going to start something and I don't want to get into any fights, but I mostley call her "That Girl". That Girl that is so perfect, that girl that is so nice, that girl that is so beautiful, that girl who is Kyle's girlfriend, That Girl who I should have been , that girl who I wish I could be.

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