The Note

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I had the same dream last night with me drowning, but this time I seen Andy at the shore. He was screaming at me like he was angry for something I did, I wanted to get to him to see what was wrong with Andy. But as I  kept trying to swim to him the deeper the water would pull me under, so again I gave up and let myself drown. But as I was under the water I seen Andy jump and swim for me, I was so angry at him for doing that why can't he just let me die like Kyle did? I woke up when the sun hit my eyes I looked at my alarm and it said 10:23 oh my god I was so late for school! I put on some clothes and put five mints into my mouth, and I graped my bag and skateboard. And called for my mom to come and drive me to school, but I forgot the she was going to be gone for a week for some work thing I don't know. So I skateboarded to school I got there at 10:39, I put my skateboard in my locker and whent to the office to get a late pass. I also got a detenson for skipping class and another for being late. The time was now 10:45 It was almost time to go to launch about time I get to class it will be time to leave. But I don't want to get into trouble again so I just went to science, I seen Bailey and Kyle seting next to eachother as I walked in. I gave Mr.Wasgton my pass and sat down, as I was pulling my things out I felt something hit the back of my head. I turned around to see what it was, and it was a balled up paper ball I picked it up and started to read it. "Hey stalker you know I see you every time you look at Kyle do you like him or something? Well guess what bitch he's taken, and he was already fucked by me so, if you keep looking at him or even try to talk to him your going to get the beating of your life bitch". I looked up at Kyle and Bailey and they were lagging, I felt the tears coming again. But the bell rung and I grabed my things and whent to the tree where me and Andy meet. Andy was already at the tree I don't think he went to class, hey detenson butty! Hows it going Andy said? I was so scared my body was shaking and I felt the tears coming again. Are you ok? Andy said. I gave him the note and he started to read it. I wanna die Andy I..I can't take this anymore. Hey nothing going to happen to you I'll make sure of it. Andy then gave me a long hug, I love Andy's hugs it's like your in a worm blanket. You wanna skip class again? We can go get ice cream if you like Andy said. We're going to get into- who cares Andy said we're going to leave together anyway. I'm fine Andy...I think I can make it though the day. Are you sure? Andy says. Yeah I'm sure. A few mins leter the bell rings and it's time to go back to class. Well you know were to find me Andy says. I know Andy, as grab my bag and head for class Andy grabs me my the arm. You know if you don't feel like your loved Eliza your loved by me you know. I know. I love you Eliza Andy says. And I fucking love you Andy. Andy starts to laugh.

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