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School was over with and it was time to go back home, I grab my skateboard and headed for the school doors. When I got home no one was there I knew my mom wasn't going to be here but not my dad ether, I didn't bother to call him I was just so tired. So I grab my computer and went on Facebook, when I got on I seen people reposting things the things where talking about me. They where saying how Eliza was a slut, and how I never had sex, and that I was the most ugly girl ever. I closed my laptop and started to cry, I cried so hard it gave me a headache. I must I have cried for a long time because I got 10 missed calls from Andy and 27 unread messages from him. I didn't answer back because I was so done with life I could not do it any more, so I grab some pills and some raserblads. Before I could even make the first cut someone stared to face time me, I opened my laptop and it was Andy. I was sakeing so much that I answered the call. Hey are you ok!? Andy said i tryed to call you. I just seen that. You don't look so good you want me to-no no! Stay there I'm fine Andy. I lifted my arm and I didn't me to show I'm the blade in my hands. Eliza Andy said im coming over. No stay there Andy I'm fine! No your not Eliza! About time you get here Andy I'll be dead by now. Andy hung up the face time call, I think he was really coming over. I close my laptop and I started to cry, Andy got here very fast he doesn't have a car though but he brought his skateboard. I seen Andy trying to get in the house from my window, his face looked mad and upset and his hair and close are wet from the rain. I watched Andy struggle as he tryed to get in but somehow he got in, I heard him run up the stairs and bust into my room. Go away Andy Eliza said. Andy grab the raserblade from my hand, Andy lays me out on my bed and he gets on top of me and stars kissing me. I tryed to push him off of me but I couldn't, he was all wet from the rain and it felt weird I didnt like it. Come on Andy stop, Andy looks at me and says. You didn't believe me when I said I love you. I did Andy. Then why are you trying to kill yourself? Because I'm tired of this, I'm tired of life Andy. I knew we should have left early you would have been happy. That wouldn't help Andy. Yes it would we could be togther away from all this bullshit. Andy starts kissing my neck. Come on Andy your all wet. Andy looks at me again and says grab all your things. Why? Where leaving. But were would we go Andy? We have no money. Just trust me Eliza get your things.

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