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I grab my bag and stared putting clothes, pants underwear and more things that I would need. Then I put on some new clothes and a very long swear on, and I grab my phone. Leave your phone Andy said. Why we may need it. We won't now come on I need to get some things from my place. It was still raining when we got outside, me and Andy ran to his apartment so he could get his things. He grab things like clothes and pants and more things he left his phone on his bed, then Andy went into his dad's room and stole some money from his wallet. Your dad doesn't take his wallet Eliza said. He has two this one is his getting layd. Oh Eliza said. I know my dad's a real hoe.
Me and Andy left the apartment and whent to the bus stop, he held me in his arms while we waited. Where are we going Andy? Eliza said. Out of town. I look at Andy and Andy looks back at me. Trust me your going to be safe. I trust you Andy I put my hand on the side of his face. Andy then kiss me. A few mins later the bus comes and we grab are things, and get on, no one was on the bus when we got on which was kinda good. I sat down in a seat and Andy sat across from me, he looked kinda wored. Are you ok Andy? Eliza said. I should be asking you that. Heh Eliza started lagging. Andy started to smile. I love you Eliza so much. You already told me that Andy. It's not going to hert if I say it again Eliza. True....I love you Andy. Andy looks at me and smiles. You look tired Eliza says. I'm cool I just really need a smoke that's all. Eliza smiles. Andy smiles back. I think me and Andy are going to be ok, maybe this is a sine of a new life Eliza had thought.

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