Her Name Was Bailey

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My mom drops me off at school every day at 8:00 all the time Andy gets here about 9:00 when everyone is in class already. He says its better to be late then to be a winner and be early, but this time he was actually early. I get out of the car and run to Andy with my skateboard. Andy rides his to school everyday though, I don't get why you bring your skateboard to school everyday if your not going to ride it says Andy. But my mom doesn't pick me up after school have you forgot? No I'm just a little drunk ha. Really Andy you promised me. And I kept my promise I just had a little drink it was just a sip. Yah right. What I'm being honest if I was really drunk I would be late now wouldn't I. Whatever Andy come on where going to be late to class. Ok I'll see you at lunch under the tree right? Yep you know it. Cool beans I'll see you later. You too. My first class is science I have science with well you know who Kyle, and also in science with him is his girlfriend "That girl" I found out that she switched class just to be with him. I didn't even know you could switch class's was a thing. And now that "That Girl" is in science with me in the morning I found out her name. Her name is Bailey even her name is prttey just like her face. I was thinking about Kyle and Bailey so much that I fell asleep, and I had that wired dream again about me drowning and at the shore Kyle was calling my name but this time I seen anther person next to Kyle it was Bailey, and they where kissing Kyle wasn't calling my name he was calling for Bailey's name. And he was holding her close to him, this is not happening to me I swear Kyle was calling my name he wanted me I swear. I can't take this anymore so I let myself drown I let myself die it was for the best why should I be happy anyway. I woke up when the bell rung for lunch, I ran out the room with tears in my eyes. I seen Andy as i ran past him he was calling my name, he doesn't care anyway no one cares about me maybe my dream was right maybe I should just die.

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