The Motel

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The bus dropped us off at the next bus stop, thanks I said to the driver. No problem the bus driver said, oh and do you know the time? Eliza says. It's 10:57pm the driver said. Thanks says Eliza. Eliza and Andy got off the bus and the bus pulled off, thank you god! Andy says I can finely have a smoke. Eliza started to laugh, Andy pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter and started to smoke. You won't believe it Eliza I was dieing on that bus. Andy your going to die anyway if you keep smoking those things. Whatever Eliza come on its a motel around the corner we can stay there for the night. That sounds good. I know it does didn't I say you could trust me. What ever Andy. At least it stopped raining Eliza says. Yeah because me smoking in the rain it was going to look like I was a drug dealer. That's because you are a drug dealer Eliza says. That's true says Andy. We finely arrive at the motel and the lady at the counter welcomes us and tells Andy to throw out his  cigarette, she tells us how much one room would cost. Fifty dollars the  lady at the counter said, Andy looked at me and pulled out his dad's wallet and gave the lady fifty dollars. And she gave us are key to the room, your room number is 457 the lady tells us. We head to are room and opened the door Andy throws down his bag and jumps on the bed I close the door and do the same. Andy lights another cigarette and lays down on the bed, hey you wanna have some fun Andy says? He sets up and grabs his bag and he pulls out a bear. Really Andy come on. What I'm just haven fun. Don't drink that now is not the time. Fine Andy says...lets play some music then. Andy gets up and heads to the radio, hey I like this song. He turns it up even louder and starts to dance with the cigarette in his hand. Do you know this song Andy says? It sounds familiar why who sings it? It's "A Story Of A Lonely Guy" by Blink-182. Oh sounds good. Andy takes his T-shirt off and starts sing "you make me feel like it's raining outside and when the storms gone I'm all torn up insied" . Andy takes another smoke of his cigarette and he looks at me. Andy turn it down your going to get us into trouble. Andy turns the radio down and jumps on the bed. I look at him and start to smile, Andy comes closer to me and we start to kiss. I can feel his hands going under my sweater, he takes it my sweater off and he stars to unfason my pants. I remove his belt from his pants and take them off, a few mins later where having sex. He's touching me and I'm touching him, the way Andy felt inside me was nothing I could imagine the more I thought about it the harder I moaned  and the wetter I got. Andy looked at me and smiled, you look. so cute when you moan it turns me on you know. I smiled at Andy but I couldn't say anything to words wouldn't come out, but I think Andy knew what I was about to say. He then kissed me and said I fucking love you Eliza. And I love your stuped ass Andy. He smiled at me and rocked me even harder.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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