1|The Step Cousin

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DISCLAIMER: Everything belongs to Rick Riordan and Stephanie Meyer. I own nothing.

A/N: I hope you enjoy. Feel free to rant in the comments if your inner fangirl/fanboy breaks out!


IT WAS THE average day in Forks, Washington: Drizzly, depressing, and downright boring, with an eighty-seven percent chance of a thunder storm later on that evening. Isabella (Bella) Swan knew this, and yet she couldn't shake the feeling that something different was going to happen—maybe it was because, late that afternoon, her step-cousin who she hadn't seen in over a decade was coming to live with her and her father. Or maybe it was just because she had tried the mystery meat in the school cafeteria lunch for the first time ever. It was probably—hopefully—the first one.

          Bella had come to think that she was prepared for the supernatural, and couldn't be surprised by nearly anything. After all, her boyfriend was a vampire and her best friend was a werewolf. Neither of them were the traditional versions of their species, but Bella had never really questioned it. She believed that something truly spectacular would have to happen to be out of the ordinary for her.

          Bella's step-cousin was named Annabeth Chase. To sum up what Bella knew about her life:

          She was the product of Bella's Aunt Helen's now-husband, Frederick, and some strange woman's one-night stand. After Annabeth was born, she had been dumped on Frederick by her mysterious mother. (This all happened a few years before Helen and Frederick were married, of course.) For unknown reasons, Annabeth had run away from home when she was seven.

          She had gotten all the way to New York, before some people found her and contacted Frederick. She was taken into this special school or camp or whatever, and had tried to go back and live with her family again when she was twelve, but it hadn't worked out, and she had run away again, back to New York. Things happened, years passed, and Annabeth was now on good terms with her father, stepmother, and half-brothers.

          And, apparently, some traumatic things had happened to her and she needed some kind of escape from whatever went on, and Aunt Helen had contacted Charlie and asked if he would be able to house another teenage girl for awhile. It had taken a bit of convincing, as Charlie was even more wary of teenage girls after this while insistent where Bella's boyfriend left her and she went crazy, but Aunt Helen had assured him that Annabeth was very mature and strong, unlike most girls, and that she just really needed some time away to get herself together, after her traumatic experience.

          Bella snorted every time she heard that. There was no way Annabeth could truly understand traumatic. Bella's life had been in danger a ton of times, and she had nearly gone insane when her boyfriend, Edward Cullen, had left her the past year. There was no way Annabeth could know what it felt like to lose someone you loved so much.

          "Bells, we've got to go," called Bella's father, Charlie, up the stairs. "Annabeth's flight'll be here soon." Grabbing her shoes and shoving her feet into them, Bella grabbed her bag and made sure her computer was all the way off before she made her way out of her bedroom.


"YOU SEE HER?" ASKED CHARLIE, looking around. Annabeth's plane had landed, and they hadn't seen her yet. The problem was, neither of them had seen her in quite some while, which would mean that neither Bella and Charlie nor Annabeth knew what each other looked like. Charlie and Bella could have made a sign, but that would have been a bit embarrassing for all of them. They just had to hope that Annabeth might recognize Charlie, as the most change in him was that his mustache was bigger and his hair had streaks of gray.

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