8|To Forks

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DISCLAIMER: Everything belongs to Rick Riordan and Stephanie Meyer. I own nothing.


THE BELL RANG just in time—Percy had been on the verge of just muttering "screw it" and jumping out the second-story window of his World Geography classroom. Letting out a sigh of relief and contentment, Percy stuffed his binder and textbook into his backpack and slung it over his shoulder. The boy next to him laughed.

     "Workload too much for you already?" he asked. Percy turned towards him with a grin.

     "Nah, man. Well, maybe, but I'm really just excited about this weekend," Percy answered as they made their way to the door.

     "Big plans?" 

     "You know it, Peter. I'm going to Washington, meeting Annabeth.

     "Cool," Peter said. "How long are you staying?"

     "Not sure," said Percy. "What are you doing this weekend?"

     Peter cleared his throat, breaking his and Percy's eye contact. "Oh, you know, the usual. Hanging around. Stuff." He cleared his throat again. "My aunt is having guests over tonight, for dinner."

     "Mr. Parker!" Percy and Peter turned to look behind them, where their English teacher was waving them down. "Do you have a second? It's about your last essay."

    "Uh, yeah," Peter said. "Yeah, sure. See you around, Perce." Percy watched as his friend—only friend at this school, now that Annabeth had transferred—went to go speak with their teacher. Percy had always had a knack for making friends with the socially awkward.

He quickly made his way out of the school and to his house. He spent the next thirty minutes grabbing his stuff and heading off to where he was supposed to meet Nico, who was taking him to Forks by shadow-travel. It was a detail that Percy had been a bit worried about, as Nico's powers had been weakened dramatically after being kidnapped by giants, but he insisted—"What Will doesn't know won't kill him!"—and he did kind of owe Percy for sorting out the whole problem at camp and petitioning to have his cabin restored, so he had reluctantly agreed.

Percy met Nico in a deserted alley behind his apartment complex. "Hey," he greeted the younger boy, who nodded. Nico was wearing all black, as always, with a new aviator jacket.

"Ready?" he asked.

Percy grinned. "Definitely."

Nico rolled his eyes at Percy's eagerness. As he shuffled over to where Percy stood, a small piece of paper fell out of one of his pockets. Percy snatched it up; it seemed to be a sort of business card:


Underworld Traveling Agencies
Putting the fun in funeral since 900 b.c.!
Call 397-D3ATH to set up your trip to the Fields of Asphodel today.

Or contact via UTA.com


Percy raised an eyebrow. "What is this?" Nico sighed.

"Thanatos asked me to carry around his card, just in case, give his business more publicity. For some reason, all of the other UTA workers seem to get more clients," he said, sounding bored.

Rain: A Twilight/Percy Jackson CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now